Negara, Politik Identitas, dan Makar: Pandangan Organisasi Massa Islam Tentang Makar dan Upaya Pencegahannya Melalui PERPPU Ormas

political identity social dialectic violant attack Perppu mass organazation HTI NU Muhammadiyah



The discourse of mass organization dismissal of Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) by the government through the Government Regulation in Lieu of Law No. 2/2017 (Perppu), that now has been officially being the mass organization regulation, causes pro and contra.This article analyses the substance of the differencies of HTI, NU, and Muhammadiyah opinion about violant attack (makar) and Perppu as its rule to protect it. It also analyses the rationale and reason of their opinion. This article finds two points: First, HTI noted that their activities were not a violant attack but the religious proselytizing (dakwah) so that the dimissal act through Perppu, according to them, was not appropriate. Meanwhile, NU said that HTI activities were a violant attack and they supported itsdismissal through Perppu. Whereas Muhammadiyah argued that the contradiction toward national idology is a violant attack but it dimissal has to be constitutional. Second, based on the social dialectic theory, this article notes that the differencies of these mass organization opinion were influenced by their different conception on nation that internalized when they looked at the problem of violant attack and Perppu. According to the political identity theory, each mass organization brings religious knowledge identity that fitted together, especially concerning Perppu.


Diskursus terkait penonaktifan organisasi massa (ormas) Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) oleh pemerintah melalui Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti Undang-Undang No. 2 tahun 2017 (Perppu Ormas), yang kemudian disahkan menjadi UU Ormas, memunculkan pro-kontra. Artikel ini mengkaji bagaimana substansi perbedaan pandangan HTI, Nahdhatul Ulama (NU), dan Muhammadiyah (MU) tentang makar dan Perppu sebagai payung hukum pencegahannya. Lantas, apa sebenarnya yang melandasi perbedaan pandangan tersebut. Kajian ini menemukan beberapa hal. Pertama, HTI berpandangan bahwa aktivitas mereka bukan makar melainkan aktivitas dakwah sehingga pembubarannya melalui Perppu dinilai tidak beralasan. Sementara NU memandang aktivitas HTI adalah makar dan mendukung pembubarannya melalui Perppu. Adapun Muhammadiyah berpandangan bahwa yang bertentangan dengan ideologi negara adalah makar, tapi pencegahannya harus secara konstitusional. Kedua, merujuk pada teori dialektika sosial, perbedaan sikap masing-masing ormas dipengaruhi oleh pandangan mereka tentang konsepsi negara yang terinternalisasi dalam menyikapi persoalan makar dan pencegahannya melalui Perppu. Sementara berdasarkan teori politik identitas, masing-masing ormas mengusung identitas pemahaman keagamaan yang saling beririsan terkait Perppu.