ALLAIS Journal of Arabic Language and Literature <p><strong>ALLAIS </strong><strong>Journal of Arabic Language and Literature Studies </strong>is a scientific journal published in 2022. This journal is provided for academics, researchers, and archivists who need or are interested in following the latest developments, especially in the realm of Arabic linguistic and literary studies which include; Arabic Linguistic, Arabic Literature, Modern Standard Arabic, Arabic Second Language Acquisition, Arabic Translation (subtitling –dubbing). ALLAIS Journal is published twice a year in June and September by the Arabic Language and Literature Study Program, Faculty of Adab and Language, Raden Mas Said State Islamic University, Surakarta. The journal accepts research-based papers, library research on the covered field. All submitted papers will be properly checked by journal editors and sent to our peer-reviewers. We only accept scientific papers written in Indonesian, Arabic and English.</p> UIN RADEN MAS SAID SURAKARTA en-US ALLAIS Journal of Arabic Language and Literature 2985-5179 ARABIC AS A WINDOW IN PERCEIVING THE WORLD: A REVIEW OF SEMANTIC, EDUCATIONAL POLITICS AND LITERARY SOCIOLOGY <p><em>This research paper aims to construct a theoretical-practical comprehension of Arabic as a means of perceiving the world. It is based on the content and principles of numerous previous dissertations. The paper's methodology employs qualitative and library research methods. During the analytical process, the theory of al-'Arabiyyah ka Nāfidhah 'alā al-Āyāt al-Kauniyyah (The Arabic language as a window on the cosmic verses), proposed by 'Alī 'Abd al-Mun'im al-Miṣriyy, is utilized. The three primary sources utilized include: 1) Semantik Bahasa Arab dalam Pandangan Al-Anbārī: Kajian Makna al-Taḍād di dalam Alquran by Mahyudin Ritonga (2013); 2) Politik Pendidikan Bahasa Arab di Perguruan Tinggi: Analisis Wacana atas Program Studi Bahasa Arab UIN Jakarta dan UI by Mauidlotun Nisa' (2018); and 3) Sastra dan Nasionalisme: Studi atas Puisi-puisi Mahjar 'Alī Aḥmad Bākathīr by Minatur Rokhim (2021). The study concludes that taking into account local and national environmental needs and interests can transform Arabic language knowledge into a capital asset for scientific, applied, and commercial purposes, thereby contributing to global unification.</em></p> Teguh Luhuringbudi Fitri Liza Dewi Nita Utami Purnama Putra Copyright (c) 2024 ALLAIS Journal of Arabic Language and Literature 2024-07-01 2024-07-01 3 1 1 16 10.22515/allais.v3i1.8462 THE BADI’ FACE IN SERMON QASS BIN SAIDA AL-IYADI <p><em>This article explores the types of verbal escalation found in several sermon Qass bin Sa'ida al-Iyadi. The researcher uses Arabic rhetoric theory as written by Abd al-Rahman Hassan Habankah al-Maidani on the topic "Arab Rhetoric, its Foundations, Science and Art", especially in the Badi' chapter on rhetoric. The way to use this theory is to look for words or sentences that match the sermon with the types written in the book. The method used by researchers in analyzing this research is a qualitative research method by taking a library analysis approach and specifying activities and library materials without requiring field research. The method used to collect data is a method of increasing persistence in research, namely a method that relates to things and variables in the form of writing, images or large works.The results of the analysis of Al-Badi''s face using the rhetorical theory of Al-Badi' Kutbah by Qass bin Sa'ida Al-Ayadi, namely 17 complete anaphora parts, 44 non-tan anaphora parts, 113 assonance parts, 4 balance parts, 31 response parts, sacrum on the chest, 24 from harmony, 2 from hugs, 4 from unnecessary habits, and 1 from the heart or opposite.</em></p> Nafi Nur Halimah Aufa Jaida Azizah Copyright (c) 2024 ALLAIS Journal of Arabic Language and Literature 2024-07-01 2024-07-01 3 1 17 38 10.22515/allais.v3i1.9273 ANALYSIS OF KALAM INSHA' TOLABI IN THE BOOK "AL-ARBAUN AN-NISAIYYAH" BY MUHAMMAD BIN SYAKIR ASY-SYARIF (BALAGHAH APPROACH) <p><em>This research aims to determine the type of kalam insha' tholabi and reveal its position in the Book of Al-Arba'un An-Nisaiyyah. Kalam insha' tholabi is kalam which wants a demand to happen which has not happened when asked or in belief speaker. The presence of kalam insha tholabi in a sentence shows that there is a certain aim and purpose. To understand it requires an understanding of kalam insha' tholabi so that there are no errors in meaning that cause deviations from the hadith. This research is a descriptive qualitative research using the Milles and Huberman interaction model analysis method with data in the form of words or sentences from hadiths in the book Al-Arba'un An-Nisaiyyah by Muhammad Bin Syakir Asy-Syarif. This research data was collected using the method library research namely by reading and taking notes. This research discovered the types of kalam insha' tholabi and their position after being understood from siyaaqul kalam and qaraainul ahwaal, which is 17 amr, the position: 10 hakiki, and 7 majazi; 9 nahi, the position: 7 hakiki, and 2 majazi; 12 istifham, the position: 8 hakiki, and 4 majazi, 4 tamanni, the position: 4 majazi; 8 nida’, the position: 7 hakiki, and 1 majazi.</em></p> Siti Fathonatul Ula Abdul Ghofur Copyright (c) 2024 ALLAIS Journal of Arabic Language and Literature 2024-07-01 2024-07-01 3 1 39 59 10.22515/allais.v3i1.9274 CLASSIFICATION OF EMOTIONS IN THE LYRICS OF NANCY AJRAM'S SONGS (DAVID KRECH'S PSYCHOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF LITERATURE) <p><em>Emotions are feelings that have a big influence on behavior. Therefore, emotions are an important aspect in human life. Humans have many ways to express the emotions they feel. For example, literary works include poetry, novels, films, dramas, diaries, biographies and songs. However, it is not uncommon for someone to use a foreign language song to describe their feelings, the lyrics of the song are not in sync with what the person wants to convey because they don't know how to translate the song lyrics, let alone the meaning of the song. . This research aims to find out what emotions are contained in song lyrics, especially Nancy Ajram's songs, based on David Krech's emotion classification theory. The research method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive research method in which the results of the analysis are described and qualified based on the existing theory. used is David Krech's emotion classification theory. The results of this research are, of the four classifications of emotions proposed by David Krech, not all classifications of emotions are found in the lyrics of Nancy Ajram's songs, Nancy Ajram's songs are suitable as a medium for expressing emotions, of course by knowing the contents of the song first.</em></p> Aminatul Arifah Rani Ismil Hakim Copyright (c) 2024 ALLAIS Journal of Arabic Language and Literature 2024-07-01 2024-07-01 3 1 60 74 10.22515/allais.v3i1.9275 SOCIAL CRITICISM IN THE SHORT STORY SCREAMING GRAVES BY KHALIL GIBRAN (A SOCIO-LITERARY ANALYSIS STUDY BY ALAN SWINGEWOOD) <p><em>The research is entitled “Social criticism in the short story Screaming Graves by Khalil Gibran</em> <em>(A socio-literary analysis study by Alan Swingewood)”. The aims of this research are: First, to find out the substance of the short story Shurakh al Qubur. Second, to find out the social criticism conveyed by the author in the short story. Third, to find out the relationship between the short story Shurakh al Qubur and the social conditions of Lebanese society. In order to analyze the social criticism in the short story, the researcher used Alan Swingewood's literary sociology theory. Swingewood believes that literary works are a reflection of the social conditions in which they were created. In principle, there are three things related to the sociology of literature, namely first, research that views literary works as social documents in which they are a reflection of the situation at the time the literature was created. Second, research that reveals literature as a reflection of the author's social situation. Third, research that captures literature as a manifestation of historical events and socio-cultural conditions. In this study, researchers used the first perspective, namely literary works as social documents. This research produces first, the substance of the short story Shurakh al Qubur which explains that this short story is the author's criticism of the government which is described through the story between the king and the suspect. Second, criticism of authoritarian leaders in power and criticism of autocratic government systems. Third, social criticism in the short story which reflects the conditions of the Ottoman Empire during the leadership of Sultan Abdul Hamid II. This criticism is represented in the figure of a king who is cruel in punishing his people.</em></p> Muhammad Faruqi Abdurrasyid Copyright (c) 2024 ALLAIS Journal of Arabic Language and Literature 2024-07-01 2024-07-01 3 1 75 90 10.22515/allais.v3i1.9452 PRACTICAL STRATEGIES TO BUILD CONFIDENCE IN SPEAKING ARABIC <p><em>Speaking skills are productive language abilities to express thoughts, ideas and feelings verbally. The aim of this research is to develop and present practical strategies that can build courage in speaking Arabic with confidence. This research uses a library study method by collecting several relevant reference sources and then analyzing and compiling them systematically so that readers can easily digest and understand the contents of the article. The results obtained from the research are several ways or strategies to grow courage in speaking Arabic, such as overcoming fear and doubt, building a strong basic foundation, practicing every day, not being afraid to make mistakes, utilizing existing technology, and applying appropriate learning methods. varies.</em></p> Mira Devi Taufik Taufik Copyright (c) 2024 ALLAIS Journal of Arabic Language and Literature 2024-07-01 2024-07-01 3 1 91 103 10.22515/allais.v3i1.9309