ALLAIS Journal of Arabic Language and Literature <p><strong>ALLAIS </strong><strong>Journal of Arabic Language and Literature Studies </strong>is a scientific journal published in 2022. This journal is provided for academics, researchers, and archivists who need or are interested in following the latest developments, especially in the realm of Arabic linguistic and literary studies which include; Arabic Linguistic, Arabic Literature, Modern Standard Arabic, Arabic Second Language Acquisition, Arabic Translation (subtitling –dubbing). ALLAIS Journal is published twice a year in June and September by the Arabic Language and Literature Study Program, Faculty of Adab and Language, Raden Mas Said State Islamic University, Surakarta. The journal accepts research-based papers, library research on the covered field. All submitted papers will be properly checked by journal editors and sent to our peer-reviewers. We only accept scientific papers written in Indonesian, Arabic and English.</p> en-US [email protected] (Syaifullah) [email protected] (Muhammad Nur Kholis) Tue, 02 Jan 2024 15:14:56 +0700 OJS 60 خليـلي وشـوقي في قصيدتيهما «مجسمه باميان» و «أبي الهول»؛ دراسة مقارنة <p><em>This research aims to review two poems by two of the stalwarts of Arabic and Persian poetry in the modern era, and the extent of influence and effect through comparative literature. It follows the applied analytical approach in light of the cultural and historical relations between the two literatures. Accordingly, he studies each poem, points out the similarities and differences between the two poems, and reveals some of the artistic aesthetics and creativity that characterize each poem. It became clear through the presentation of the two poems that the two poets expressed the past days and the ease and luxury that surrounded them, and the roughness and poverty that accompanied them. Then Shawqi sees the secret of the farmer in movement, moving forward, and leaning on oneself. The people of the country only serve their own people. As for Al-Khalili, he continued his complaints about the people of his time. Humanity has perverted and the mind is shackled in the era of scientific progress. It has become clear that Khalili, despite his knowledge of the Arabic language, and Shawqi being ahead of him in time, may have read Shawqi’s poem or been inspired by its subject, but he did not notice that he took one of the meanings. In addition to this, his treatment is radically different from him. When Shawqi pushes his statue to move, My boyfriend instructs him to hide from sight because the controlling madman might harm him and humanity has gone awry and does not redress injustices or shelter him; The poem is the tragedy of a people abandoned by humanity due to a brutal occupation.</em></p> Shah Rukh Raufi, Abdul Rab Monib Copyright (c) 2023 ALLAIS Journal of Arabic Language and Literature Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 تحليل الصراع الباطني للشخصية الرئيسية في رواية الحب الضائع لطه حسين (الدراسة سيكولوجي الأدب) <p><em>The novel Al-Hubb Adh-Dhaa'i by Thoha Husein is one of the contemporary literary works that is full of psychological aspects. The novel describes human daily life with all its problems, especially love and inner conflict experienced by the main character. The purpose of this study is to find out, describe and analyze the inner conflict of the main character in the novel Al-Hubb Adh-Dhaa'i by Thoha Husein. This research is a qualitative research with a descriptive approach. Data collection is done by using documentation technique while the validity of the data is done by using theory triangulation technique. Data analysis used content analysis method, namely by taking the essence of an idea or information and then drawn it into a conclusion. The results of this study are the emergence of several problems experienced by the main character that caused his psyche to be shaken. The forms of inner conflict experienced by the main character include depression, obsession, anxiety, fear, insecurity, guilt, inadequacy, frustration, anger, hurt, and dissatisfaction, and attention</em></p> Utia Qurrotu Ma’wa, Tri Wi Farma Copyright (c) 2023 ALLAIS Journal of Arabic Language and Literature Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 An تدخل اللغة الأم في التعبير الكتابي العربي لدى طلاب الفصل الحادي عشر بمدرسة الشيخ عبد الوهاب حسب الله العالية الإسلامية المتوفقة بحر العلوم جومبانج <p><em>This research aims to determine and describe the forms of language interference that occur among class XI students of Madrasah Aliyah Unggulan K.H. Abd. Wahab Hasbullah and the factors causing Arabic language interference with Indonesian in the ta'bir kitabiy of students at the Unggulan Madrasah Aliyah K.H. Abd. Wahab Hasbulloh. This is because in the process of learning and practicing language, interference becomes a problem that will have a negative impact on the main aspects of language. The emergence of interference is caused by students' lack of understanding of the second language, attachment to the order of the first language and lack of habituation in using the second language. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. Some of the data in this research was obtained from Arabic texts contained in the daily maharah kitabah tests of students at the Unggulan Madrasah Aliyah K.H. Abd. Wahab Hasbulloh class XI in Arabic subjects using the listening method, proficient free-engagement technique and note-taking technique, then analyzed using the intralingual equivalent method to compare elements of Arabic and Indonesian. Based on the results of the analysis, the researcher found several syntactic, semantic and morphological interferences, including, concordance aspect interference, non-adjective noun phrases, inaccurate word selection, errors in Arabic writing and tense aspect interference. In this research, there are two factors that cause language interference, the internal factor is the lack of student motivation in learning Arabic which has an impact on students' lack of understanding of Arabic, lack of habituation in practicing composing Arabic writing and the lack of knowledge possessed by students. External factors: students' habits of using their mother tongue in the surrounding environment</em><em>.</em></p> Afif Kholisun Nashoih, Alfiana Fitriyah Ramadani, Lailatul Mathoriyah Copyright (c) 2023 ALLAIS Journal of Arabic Language and Literature Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 تحليل الصراعات الاجتماعية في رواية دم لفطير صهيون: حارة اليهود لنجيب الكيلاني (منهج سوسيولوجي الأدب بنظرية لويس ألفريد كوزر) <p><em>This study aims to describe and analyze social conflict in the novel Damun Lii Fathir Shohyun: Kharotul Yahudi by Najib Kailani using the literary sociology approach of Lewis A. Coser. The analysis of social conflict is carried out based on the causes of the conflict, its form, function, and safety valve found in people's lives in the novel. This research is a qualitative research with descriptive analysis method and included in the type of library research. The data and data sources used are the novel Damun Lii Fathir Shohyun: Kharutul Yahudi karya Najib Kailani. The data collection method used the documentation method, namely by linking each discovery in the novel with the theory used. The data validity technique uses reference materials, objectivity, and persistence. Based on the analysis of social conflicts in the novel Damun Lii Fathir Shohyun: Kharutul Yahudi, two classifications of social conflicts were found. First, conflict with a positive function: 1) Killing, to set boundaries between conflicting groups, to increase group solidarity and integrity. 2) Bribery, this conflict has a positive function in the form of leading to alliances with other groups. 3) Demonstration. This conflict serves to increase the integrity of the group. Second, conflicts with negative functions: 1) bickering, the result of this conflict is a change in Dawud Harare's personality which becomes more violent towards Camelia. 2) affair, this conflict resulted in a divorce between Dawud Harare and Camelia.</em></p> Nadia Nur Arifah, Rita Gamasari Copyright (c) 2023 ALLAIS Journal of Arabic Language and Literature Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 مشاكل القواعد في ترجمة مجموعة قصة قصيرة "أرنى الله" لتوفيق الحكيم في موضوع الحب <p><em>The problem in this research is the grammatical problem found in the translation of the short story collection of Arinillah by Taufik Hakim. This study aims to determine (1) the number of grammatical problems, (2) the types of grammatical problems, and to describe (3) the relationship between the translated text and the theory of grammatical problems found in Arinillah's short stories with the theme of love. Based on the data sources studied, the researcher found grammatical problems in the level of phrases and sentences found in four short story titles with the theme of love. The results of this study are tarkib washfi, tarkib idhafi, atahf mathuf, taukid, simple sentences, complete sentences, and complex sentences in a collection of short stories titled Taufik Hakim Arinillah. The short stories contain Taufik Hakim's philosophical thoughts which are good for the development of today's mindset</em></p> Muhammad Daud Lutfhian, Ahdiyat Mahendra Copyright (c) 2023 ALLAIS Journal of Arabic Language and Literature Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Refleksi Sikap Denial dalam Kisah Nabi Yunus (Analisis Semiotika Roland Barthes Q.S. al-Anbiya’[21]: 87) <p><em>Denial is implicitly alluded to in Q.S. al-Anbiya [21]: 87 which tells the story of the escape of Prophet Yunus from the conditions of his people. This study aims to identify the denial attitude contained in the verse, based on the argument that the Qur'anic text has implicit meanings that are relevant to the current context. The method applied in this research is descriptive-analytical by using Roland Barthes' semiotic approach to analyze the significance of the meaning of the Qur'anic text. The approach analyzes denotative and connotative meanings to bring out the mythology contained in the story of Prophet Yunus. This paper asks two questions: first, how is Roland Barthes' semiotic analysis of Q.S. al-Anbiya' [21]: 87? Second, how does the concept of denial reflect on the storyline of Prophet Yunus? This article concludes that denotatively Q.S. al-Anbiya' [21]: 87 shows the attitude of Prophet Yunus who left his people in a state of anger and prejudice against Allah SWT. The statement is in line with the concept of denial, which connotes the psychological condition of Prophet Yunus who was filled with feelings of disappointment with reality. He decided to deny by abandoning the responsibility given by Allah as a form of self-defense and protest against reality. The wisdom contained in Q.S. al-Anbiya' [21]: 87 is the prohibition of Allah Swt to His servants to be denial in dealing with problems and responsibilities</em><em>.</em></p> Aziz Bashor Pratama Copyright (c) 2023 ALLAIS Journal of Arabic Language and Literature Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700