International Conference on Cultures & Languages (ICCL) <p>International Conference on Cultures &amp; Languages (ICCL)</p> en-US [email protected] (Muhammad Nanang Qosim) [email protected] (Muhammad Nanang Qosim) Mon, 12 Dec 2022 00:00:00 +0700 OJS 60 NILAI MODERASI BERAGAMA DALAM PERAYAAN MALAM SATU SURO MASYARAKAT DUSUN SODONG PONOROGO <p>Moderasi beragama menjadi hal yang sangat penting untuk menyatukan bangsa Indonesia yang multikultural dan plural. Kehidupan yang harmonis menjadi kehidupan yang dicita-citakan Pancasila dengan semboyan Bhineka Tunggal Ika. Dusun Sodong adalah salah satu dusun di Kabupaten Ponorogo Jawa Timur yang menjadi tempat tinggal masyarakat Budha dan Islam sejak puluhan tahun yang lalu. Kedua agama ini hidup bersama dan berdampingan, dan dalam menyambut bulan Suro pada penanggalan Jawa atau bulan Muharam pada kalender Hijriah atau Islam, masyarakat Dusun Sodong memiliki ritual perayaan tersendiri. Artikel ini melihat bagaimana nila-nilai moderasi beragama terkandung dalam ritual perayaan malam satu Suro tersebut. Metode penelitian artikel ini ialah metode kualitatif dengan data yang didapatkan melalui wawancara secara langsung kepada tokoh agama Budha dan Islam di Dusun Soodng, serta dilengkapi dengan data dari observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasilnya, seluruh nilai-nilai moderasi beragama telah tertanam kuat pada perayaan ini, bahkan pada hal-hal lain yang terdapat dan terjadi di Dusun Sodong, sehingga dapat ditemukan kehidupan yang harmonis dan moderat dalam beragama. Masyarakat Dusun Sodong mampu menjadikan agama sebagai alat integrasi nasional melalui unsur budaya, yakni melalui perayaan malam satu Suro.</p> Neng Eri Sofiana Copyright (c) 2022 International Conference on Cultures & Languages (ICCL) Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 IMPLEMENTASI TOLERANSI BERAGAMA DI KALANGAN MAHASISWA UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH MALANG <p>Indonesia selain merupakan negara yang mayoritas penduduknya adalah pemeluk agama islam, didalamnya juga hidup berbagai agama besar di dunia, seperti kristen, katolik, hindu dan budha. Oleh karena itu toleransi beragama selalu digaung-gaungkan oleh pemerintah maupun para pemuka agama. Salah satu usaha dalam menerapkan tolerasi beragama adalah melalui pendidikan, sebagaimana yang dilakukan oleh Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang. Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang merupakan universitas berbasis islam yang dibangun dan dikembangkan oleh Muhammadiyah namun dalam penerapannya universitas ini menerima mahasiswa non muslim baik kristen, hindu mapun agama lainnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui implementasi toleransi beragama yang diterapkan di kalangan mahasiswa dengan latar belakang agama yang berbeda. Toleransi merupakan sikap saling menghormati dan menghargai antar kelompok atau antar individu dalam masyarakat atau dalam lingkup lainnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif yang mana sumber penelitiannya berasal dari mahasiswa lintas keyakinan dan penanggung jawab bidang kemahasiswaan, dengan teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Adapun dalam analisis data menggunakan metode deduktif yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data dan verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi toleransi beragama di kalangan mahasiswa Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang diwujudkan dalam beberapa bentuk yaitu interaksi antar mahasiswa, kegiatan kemahasiswaan, bidang akademik dan kebijakan yang diberikan oleh perguruan tingi kepada mahasiswa yang memiliki keyakinan yang berbeda. Dari hasil penelitian juga ditemukan bahwa semua kegiatan pendidikan di lingkungan Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang berjalan dengan damai dan tentram dan tidak ditemukan adanya sikap intoleransi yang ditunjukkan oleh mahasiswa meskipun mereka memiliki latar belakang keyakinan yang berbeda.</p> Latifatul Mahbubah, Yudi Suharsono, Lutfi Mukhtar Copyright (c) 2022 International Conference on Cultures & Languages (ICCL) Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 THE INSPIRATIONAL FEMALE RELIGIOUS LEADERS IN PEACE-BUILDING VIEWED FROM A RELIGIOUS MODERATION PERSPECTIVE <p>Females in this era have the same roles and functions as males in peace-building. A survey from Wahid Foundation showed that females are more tolerant of differences and are relatively less likely to use violence against groups than males. Based on theological aspects of gender roles in society, they have the ability to unite differences, lead nonviolent communities, and mobilize peaceful communities. This research is a qualitative descriptive study that focuses on revealing the role of three inspiring female religious leaders in Salatiga, consisting of Islam, Christianity, and Buddhism in building peace viewed from a religious moderation perspective and how they teach tolerance to their followers. Therefore, Krathwohl's Taxonomy is used to analyze the findings. The instruments used in this study were interviews, observation, and documentation. The results showed that the three female religious leaders had been able to influence their followers on 5 levels; <em>receiving, responding, valuing, organization, and characterization</em>. Moreover, the three inspirational female religious leaders were able to introduce religious moderation through the internalization of peace values, such as tolerance and inter-religious harmony based on the perspective of their respective beliefs. Some activities they did: (1) inspiring the followers to love the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI), unity in diversity (<em>Bhineka Tunggal Ika</em>) and religious moderation, (2) teaching the followers to respect differences in culture, ethnicity, gender, and religion, (3) engaging the followers to join in social activities, (4) persuading the followers to care all the human (5) holding sharing and discussion activities between religious communities such as “<em>sarasehan </em>and interfaith dialogue such as “live in” activity in <em>Pondok Pesantren</em> Edi Mancoro regularly, (7) introducing the culture and tradition from their religions, (6) holding charity activities that involve others religious, (7) inviting the followers of other religions when having universal events.</p> Aprilian Ria Adisti Copyright (c) 2022 International Conference on Cultures & Languages (ICCL) Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 MODERASI BERAGAMA DAN KEARIFAN LOKAL: MENUMBUHKAN JIWA MODERASI BERAGAMA MELALUI NILAI MODERASI DALAM SELOKO ADAT JAMBI <p>Moderation and local wisdom are actually two important parts of religious life and cultural customs. Both of them began to be fragile and faded in the era of globalization and modernization. Globalization and modernization on the one hand have a negative impact on national unity that is intact in differences and the existence of the spirit of religious moderation and local wisdom which is part of culture. So that it can lead to sources of division in the form of actions or attitudes that are intolerant, exclusive, extreme, radicalism, crime, and liberalism. In addition, Indonesia is a country that is rich in local wisdom. Through local wisdom that exists in each region, it can be used as a formulation in strengthening religious moderation and local wisdom. Therefore, if one of them is then both sides can respect the moderation of religion and local wisdom. Cultivating the spirit of religious moderation through the values ​​of moderation contained in the Jambi traditional seloko is a powerful formula that can simultaneously foster the spirit of moderation in Jambi. In analyzing this, this research uses a descriptive qualitative approach through literature study. The results of the implementation of this study indicate that in Jambi local wisdom in the form of traditional seloko there are moderating values ​​in the form of fellowship and nature contained in seloko take seeds, measles is sarap and seloko is a little bit of washing, many become enemies and leadership values ​​contained in seloko step up, down betanggo. In the end, this paper offers a solution to implement the values ​​of moderation contained in traditional seloko to foster a spirit of religious moderation through education, religious moderation workshops, competitions and festivals, and publications in scientific journals and social media.</p> Andika Andika, Eko Mulyo Yunus Copyright (c) 2022 International Conference on Cultures & Languages (ICCL) Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 Pluralisme Agama Perspektif Māqasid Syari’ah <p>Paham pluralisme agama sebagai bagaian dari toelogi liberal, bertujuan untuk mendamaikan semua umat beragama. Akan tetapi, hal ini justru menimbulkan problem bagi agama-agama, khususnya agama Islam. Karena dalam agama Islam terdapat bagian-bagian <em>ushuliah </em>atau asas dari agama yang tidak dapat ditolerir. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan konsep pluralisme agama dalam perspektif maqasid syari’ah. Dalam penulisan artikel ini, digunakan metode analisis-kritis. Islam merupakan agama <em>rahmatan lil alamin</em> atau kemaslahatan untuk seluruh makhluk. Namun, bukan berarti agar dapat bertoleransi dengan agama-agama ataupun budaya-budaya lain harus menyertakan agama di dalamnya. Karena, pluralisme agama-agama yang diartikan sebagai toleransi pada ranah teologis akan mengubah tujuan syari’at dan hukum-hukum yang ada dalam agama Islam. Atau mudahnya mengubah <em>maq</em><em>ā</em><em>sid syari</em><em>’</em><em>ah</em> atau tujuan adanya syari’ah. Hasil dari penelitian ini dapat dirangkum dalam beberapa poin. <em>Pertama, </em>pluralisme agama-agama yang bertujuan mendamaikan umat beragama, justru menimbulkan kerusakan. <em>Kedua, </em>paham pluralisme sangat bertentangan dengan konsep <em>d</em><em>ī</em><em>n </em>menurut al-Attas. <em>Ketiga, </em>Islam sebagai agama <em>rahmatan lil ‘alamin </em>memiliki toleransi namun tidak pada tahap teologis.</p> Achmad Reza Hutama Al Faruqi, Rif’at Husnul Ma’afi, Sayyid Muhammad Indallah Copyright (c) 2022 International Conference on Cultures & Languages (ICCL) Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 MENGUJI EFEKTIVITAS PROGRAM MODERASI BERAGAMA DI PERGURUAN TINGGI (Testing the Effectiveness of The Religious Moderation Program in Universities) <p>The Indonesian Muslim community, which is moderate and inclusive, is currently turning towards conservatives. The media and facts have proven that the movement of radical groups influences Indonesia's social and political life. Various surveys show an increase in religious intolerance and radicalism among students. Islamic Higher Education students are the most fundamentalist, conservative, and exclusive students, according to a 2019 study. Various models of overcoming intolerance and radicalism in universities have been implemented. One of them is the establishment of houses of religious moderation, the obligation of universities to provide workshops and training on religious moderation and other forms of implementation. Previous studies mostly measure the level of student religious tolerance, measure the percentage of students exposed to radicalism and find the determinant factors that become the root of students being exposed to this ideology. Specifically, this research examines the effectiveness of universities' programs in counteracting and tackling radicalism as a program mandate launched by the Ministry of Religion. This research is quasi-experimental research conducted for 1 month. A total of 40 students using purposive sampling were used as research objects. Before the treatment is carried out on the research object. 40 Students were first given a questionnaire to measure their level of moderation and religious tolerance. One week later, the students were treated in the form of "religious moderation training" with the standard curriculum design of the Ministry of Religion. After the training, 40 students were given the same questionnaire with the questions that had been randomized. After 2 weeks, students were given the same questionnaire with modified questions. The collected data is processed and analyzed through multiple regression analysis. The results showed that religious moderation training for students impacted student tolerance, but the training program did not reflect a sustainable program. This research proposes that universities should formulate a moderation training program that is not only based on the standard curriculum of the Ministry of Religion but develops a more sustainable model.</p> Wahid Soleh Hasan, Kususiyanah Anjar Copyright (c) 2022 International Conference on Cultures & Languages (ICCL) Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 Reducing Prejudice and Reinforcement of Religious Tolerance Across the Fictional World <p><em>In post-pandemic era, prejudice remains an important theme in public issues. Tensions between cultural, social, and even religious elements are still triggered by prejudice, especially religious prejudice. Even though conflicts occur due to a variety of factors, religion is frequently a significant factor. Religious issues frequently create religious intolerance. Religion is considered paradoxical (a paradox of faith) because it generates religious excitement (creating and even preventing prejudice formation) as well as moral and ethical decline. The imaginative world (literary works) is transformed into a communicative and contemplative medium, as well as a critical and reflective medium toward socio-cultural phenomena from/to the world of reality. Imaginary works become a medium of communication and peace-building for the development of religious tolerance through imaginary narratives that are able to present a diversity-oriented dialogue. </em></p> <p><em>This paper discusses on how Saddam Hussein’s novel ‘Ukhruj Minha Ya Mal’un’ reflects prejudice reduction. The texts shared a discourse on socio-cultural contact, inter-religious dialogue (inter-group friendship), inclusive theology, opposing prejudice, conflict resolution, individual personality, religious experience, and religious attitudes, which play important roles in the reinforcement of religious tolerance. Data on religious values (Islam) were collected from the novel’s text using the qualitative-interpretative method and Gordon Allport’s perspective on the nature of prejudice, and then explored using the technique of explication du texte. This paper argues that reinforcement of religious tolerance can be carried out continuously by discovering the fundamental values of religion and producing inclusive theological images so that they are more appreciative of diversity. The Implications of the findings of this study are expected to refute the assumption that religion is a final frontier (and/or has the potential prejudice) of personal prejudice, stereotype, and discrimination, with attitudes to faith driving negative perceptions more than ethnicity or nationality.</em></p> Ita Rodiah, Nur Faiqoh Copyright (c) 2022 International Conference on Cultures & Languages (ICCL) Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 Kampanye Moderasi Beragama di Instagram: Studi Narasi Lukman Hakim Saifuddin dan Yaqut Cholil Qoumas <p>Moderasi beragama merupakan wacana keagamaan dan kemasyarakatan yang sedang ramai di kampanyekan baik secara langsung maupun melalui perantara media sosial. Penelitian ini hendak mengkaji kampanye moderasi beragama yang dilakukan oleh figur sentral moderasi agama yaitu, Lukman Hakim Saifuddin dan Yaqut Cholil Qoumas yang mereka lakukan melalui media sosial Instagram. Sosok pertama merupakan mantan menteri agama yang inisiator wacana moderasi sementara sosok yang kedua merupakan sosok yang masih menjabat menteri agama yang memegang kendali terhadap kebijakan penyebaran pemahaman dan nilai-nilai moderasi beragama. Dengan menggunakan studi kepustakaan dan metode deskriptif dan analisis, tulisan ini berusaha mempresentasikan bagaimana keduanya, melalui strategi dan posisi masing-masing mengkampanyekan moderasi beragama guna menguatkan toleransi beragama dalam masyarakat Indonesia melalui akun media sosial Instagram mereka. Penelitian ini kemudian dilanjutkan dengan menganalisa bagaiamana suatu program yang diusung oleh pemerintahan sebelumnya, dilanjutkan oleh pemerintahan selanjugnya guna menjaga kerukunan antar masyarakat beragama di Indonesia.</p> Irawan Wibisono Copyright (c) 2022 International Conference on Cultures & Languages (ICCL) Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 Dialog Teologis, Mistisisme dan Metafisika dalam Perdamaian Umat Islam dan Kristen di Indonesia <p>Beberapa tahun terakhir, dinamika keberagaman di Indonesia diwarnai dengan kasus ketegangan antar umat beragama khususnya Umat Islam dan Kristen. Harmonisasi keberagaman Umat Islam dan Kristen terusik dengan adanya oknum yang mendorong pada aksi pertentangan kedua agama tersebut. Kasus seperti terpotongnya nisan salib di Purbayan, Kotagede, Yogyakarta dan kasus ceramah agama di media sosial yang mengandung unsur penghinaan terhadap agama lain, sehingga menimbulkan <em>hate-speech</em> antar umat beragama. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan suatu inisiatif dialog antara umat Islam dan Kristen yang tak sekedar teologis namun juga melibatkan mistisisme dan metafisika sehingga diperoleh titik kesepakatan dan perdamaian bersama, baik tataran teoretis maupun praktis. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan diskriptif kualitatif dan fenomenologis terhadap kasus ketegangan antar umat Islam dan Kristen yang terjadi di beberapa tahun terakhir. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebuah perdamaian antar umat beragama akan dapat terwujud dengan mendialogkan titik temu religius berdasarkan kajian komparatif terkait isu-isu vertikal-teologi, mistisisme dan metafisika. Dialog teologis, mistisisme dan metafisika antar umat Islam dan Kristen ini merupakan sarana dalam mengimplementasikan konsep moderasi beragama di Indonesia.</p> Qisthi Faradina Ilma Mahanani, Fahmi Khumaini Copyright (c) 2022 International Conference on Cultures & Languages (ICCL) Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 MOHAMMAD HATTA’S EMBODIMENT OF RELIGIOUS TOLERANCE THROUGH THE AGES <p>Mohammad Hatta is one of the founding fathers who declares Indonesian independence after Japan lost World War II in 1945. Well-known for being a nationalist, not many people know that Hatta came from a devoted Muslim family who upheld Islamic values to govern their way of life. His grandfather and uncle were respected Islamic scholars in West Sumatra who prepared Hatta to pursue higher religious education in Mecca and Cairo, although he ended up studying in The Netherlands for 11 years instead. This study aims to describe Hatta’s embodiment of religious tolerance, which covered tolerant acts in diverse communities, through his interaction with people from different ethnicities and religions both when he was part of the Muslim minority in Europe and when he was part of the Muslim majority in Indonesia. This is a descriptive qualitative study. The data were obtained from three volumes of Hatta’s memoir as the main data sources, which were then analyzed using Miles and Huberman’s model data analysis tools. The result shows Hatta’s encounters with people from different ethnicities and religions along with the religious tolerance he exemplified such as not forcing others to believe in Qur’anic teachings and appreciating different groups of people in his daily life. All of which were possible while remaining devoted to Islam. Observed from a historical perspective, religious tolerance had been personified by one of Indonesia’s greatest Muslim statesmen and arguably became the glue that unified Indonesia as a nation.</p> Marina Ryan, Prasetya Dimas Copyright (c) 2022 International Conference on Cultures & Languages (ICCL) Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 Religious Tolerance, Social Media and Social-Politics in Indonesia: Exploring of NU Garis Lucu and Catholic Garis Lucu Community <p>The issue of inter-religious tolerance becomes an important issue amid Indonesia's diverse ethnic, religious, racial, and cultural situation. This is because many problems in the name of violence and religious conflicts still occur in Indonesia. For this reason, efforts are needed to minimize and respond to these problems. In this case, social media also has an important role in relations between religious communities. For this reason, it is necessary to explore more deeply how several platforms on social media are campaigning and discussing religious tolerance. This study seeks to explore the NU Garis Lucu and the Catholic Community of Garis Lucu in viewing the landscape of religious tolerance in Indonesia on social media. Through discourse analysis theory, researchers seek to examine how the discourse of religious tolerance is debated in the social media space, which in this case is represented by two media platforms, namely NU Garis Lucu and the Catholic Community of Garis Lucu. The results of this study indicate that media platforms such as NU Garis Lucu and the Catholic Community of Garis Lucu have an important role in spreading the pattern of interaction of religious tolerance in Indonesia. The two platforms become accelerators and seek to counter various frictions and conflicts on social media, especially related to hate speech, hostility in the name of religion, and various issues that trigger conflicts between religious communities.</p> Firmanda Taufiq, Ayu Maulida Alkholid Copyright (c) 2022 Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 Beyond Religious Tolerance in Interfaith Dialogue Spaces in Yogyakarta: Reading from a Hospitality Perspective <p>Diversity in Indonesian society is part of the reality that must be interpreted as the riches or uniqueness of this nation. However, conflicts and violence continue to be issues that disturb this diverse reality. These issues have forced the campaign for religious tolerance in society to continue to be carried out. This study aims to analyze the interfaith encounters that occurred in Yogyakarta and then proceed to read it from the perspective of hospitality. This research will use a descriptive qualitative methodology with observations, literature analysis, and interviews. The focus is on the Ahmadiyya group in Yogyakarta as one of the interfaith meeting spaces. The Ahmadiyya group often opens space and provides a place for interfaith dialogue for students and young people from different religious, cultural, and belief backgrounds. The formation of a dialogue space as a form of building an attitude of tolerance is not the end of achieving harmony or peace, but establishing the dimension of hospitality is also important in this particular discourse. Especially in enrolling in the post-pandemic period, a hospitality-based meeting room is needed.</p> Gerry Nelwan, Gerald Moratua Siregar Copyright (c) 2022 International Conference on Cultures & Languages (ICCL) Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 Akulturasi Islam dengan Budaya Jawa dalam Kilas Balik Gunung Kemukus <p>Eksistensi akulturasi ajaran Islam dengan kebudayaan Jawa saat ini masih berkembang. Akulturasi tersebut tumbuh tanpa menambahi makna dan tujuan dari ajaran agama Islam itu sendiri. Adapun dalam perkembangan agama Islam, kebudayaan tidak dapat dipisahkan. Keduanya saling beriringan dan berkesinambungan. Salah satu wujud akulturasi yaitu kebudayaan yang ada di Gunung Kemukus yang berada di Kecamatan Gemolong, Kabupaten Sragen, Jawa Tengah. Gunung Kemukus merupakan tempat peristirahatan terakhir seorang pangeran dari Kerajaan Majapahit yaitu Pangeran Samodra. Tokoh Pangeran Samodra dikenal sebagai penyebar agama Islam melalui kebudayaan Jawa seperti pertunjukan wayang . Terdapat sebuah sendang yang disebut Sendang Ontrowulan yang digunakan untuk mensucikan diri sebelum melakukan ziarah. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana akulturasi kebudayaan Jawa dengan ajaran agama Islam tanpa mengurangi dan menambahi pokok ajarannya dalam kilas balik Gunung Kemukus. Metode dalam penelitian ini yaitu menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan melakukan wawancara terhadap Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Sragen selaku pengelola tempat ziarah, juru kunci selaku orang yang dituakan dan dianggap mengerti mengenai cerita Pangeran Samodra, dan pengunjung sekitar Gunung Kemukus yang berasal dari berbagai daerah. Guna mendukung penelitian ini penulis juga menggunakan sumber data sekunder yaitu sumber data yang diperoleh peneliti secara tidak langsung malalui perantara. Data sekunder diperoleh melalui buku literasi, catatan atau laporan historis yang telah tersusun rapi yang dipublikasikan maupun tidak dipublikasikan, penelitian terdahulu yang terkait, dan beberapa <em>website</em> yang digunakan sebagai data pendukung dalam penelitian. Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa <strong>pertama</strong> bentuk akulturasi budaya Jawa dan agama Islam terlihat dari sejarah penyebaran agama Islam; <strong>kedua</strong> perintah mensucikan dari kotoran di Sendang Ontrowulan merupakan konsep <em>thaharah</em> (bersuci) dalam Islam; <strong>ketiga</strong> akulturasi budaya Jawa dan Islam dilihat dari peringatan hari sakral yang dilakukan. &nbsp;</p> Anita Dewi Rachmawati, Sholahuddin Al Ayubi, Ismail Maulana Pebiansyah, Mega Alif Marintan Copyright (c) 2022 Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 Toleransi Derma Kebudayaan Pecinan di Kota Solo <p>Toleransi saat ini menjadi topik yang sering di kesampingkan dalam kehidupan masyarakat. Toleransi diartikan sebagai sikap menghargai sesama umat manusia tanpa membedakan ras, suku, budaya, maupun agama, baik secara individu atau kelompok. Kehidupan bermasyarakat akan selalu berdampingan dengan sikap toleransi agar tidak menimbulkan banyak perkara antar manusia. Adapun dalam kebudayaan masyarakat Tionghoa yang hadir di Kota Solo menjunjung tinggi adanya toleransi. Hubungan kontak sosial serta akulturasi kebudayaan yang baik terjadi antar kebudayaan etnis Tionghoa dengan kebudayaan Jawa khususnya di Kota Solo. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana bentuk toleransi dalam Derma Kebudayaan Pecinan di Kota Solo. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Peneliti melakukan wawancara kepada tokoh Tionghoa serta observasi langsung ke objek yang dikaji untuk memperkuat data. Selain itu referensi lain dalam bentuk penelitian terdahulu atau artikel yang sejenis juga digunakan. Penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa adanya kontak sosial yang baik antara masyarakat Tionghoa dan masyarakat di Kota Solo. Hasil dari penelitian ini ini yaitu <strong>pertama </strong>kontribusi kebudayaan etnis Tionghoa dalam kebudayaan Jawa melalui Grebeg Sudiro, <strong>kedua </strong>toleransi dalam derma Pecinan dapat dilihat dari penampilan Barongsai yang melibatkan warga Solo dalam pementasan, <strong>ketiga </strong>bentuk toleransi dan akulturasi dapat dilihat dari corak batik yang di kawinkan dengan corak Cina, <strong>keempat</strong> bentuk akulturasi dilihat dari ragam kuliner seperti kue moho, tahok, lumpia, bakmi, onde-onde, lontong cap go meh, ronde dan masih banyak lagi akulturasi kebudayaan antara etnis Tionghoa dan etnis Jawa.</p> Siti Habibah Dwi Rahayuningtyas, Andi Yoga Pratama, Nur Fadlilah, Mega Alif Marintan Copyright (c) 2022 Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 Moderasi Beragama Dalam Motif Batik “Tiga Negeri” (Tionghoa, Jawa, dan Arab) di Kota Lasem (Tinjuan Semiotika Sastra) <p>Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh keprihatinan atas menguatnya ancaman terhadap nilai-nilai luhur pada bangsa Indonesia, khususnya nilai moral, persatuan, dan toleransi melalui motif batik Lasem. Kota Lasem memiliki kekuatan moderasi beragama dari ragam etnis, agama serta budaya. Masyarakat Lasem hidup berdampingan dengan damai. Kekuatan ekonomi masyarakat Lasem bergerak dalam usaha industri batik. Motif batik Lasem merupakan wujud toleransi kehidupan masyarakat Lasem dengan membawa ikon Tiga Negeri (Tionghoa, Jawa, dan Arab). Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui wujud moderasi beragama dalam motif batik Tiga Negeri (Tionghoa, Jawa, dan Arab) dengan tinjauan semiotika sastra. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif, sedangkan pisau analisis yang digunakan adalah semiotika model Charles Sanders Pierce. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah primer dan sekunder, primer dari hasil wawancara dan dokumentasi sedangkan sekunder dari buku, jurnal, <em>e-book</em>, maupun artikel yang terkait dan mendukung. Datanya berupa motif batik di rumah produksi batik kota Lasem. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan terdapat&nbsp; 30 motif batik Lasem yang memuat lima nilai moderasi beragama yaitu moderat, seimbang, proporsional, toleran, dan (dinamis, kreatif dan inovatif) yang di kategorikan berdasarkan nilai religius hubungan manusia dengan Tuhan, manusia dengan manusia, dan manusia dengan alam.</p> Farah Fauziyah Haqiqi, Elen Inderasari Copyright (c) 2022 Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 Promoting Religious Moderation in Social Media (A Study on the Qur’anic Exegesis of Q.S. al-Kafirun by Habib Husein Ja’far on “Habib and Cing” Youtube Channel) <p>This article discusses the promotion of religious moderation and tolerance in social media. The study focuses specifically on how Habib Husein Ja’far interprets the Qur’an on “Habib dan Cing” YouTube channel, particularly on Q.S. <em>al-Kafirun</em> (109). Social media nowadays are considered the effective and relevant means of communication so that modern preachers actively engage in the various platforms of social media to deliver Islamic messages. Habib Husein and Abdel Achrian, among others, employ YouTube channel called “Habib dan Cing” to perform <em>da’wa </em>which contains the interpretation of the Qur’anic verses (<em>tafsir</em>). This paper focuses specifically on the interpretation of the Qur’an <em>sura</em> <em>al-Kafirun </em>(The Disbelievers) by Habib Husein broadcasted in the channel. This research finds that Habib Husein’s Qur’anic interpretation of <em>sura</em> <em>al-Kafirun</em> attempt to persuade people to be moderate and tolerance to others. Among Habib Husein’s moderation are his explanation of the term <em>kafir</em> which is not understood merely disbelievers or non-Muslims, but also for those who have bad attitudes by referring to qualities such as ungrateful, unfaithful, liar, and obstinate. Commenting on the last verse, Habib Husein also explains that <em>din</em> can be understood as reward, meaning that people are only responsible and rewarded for they have done, not for others have done. Therefore, no need to be angry for those who trespass or force them to uphold Islamic teachings. Using virtual ethnography analysis, Habib Husein’s interpretation of the Qur’an is easily understood since he explains in a relax style and inserts popular jokes. Yet, Habib Husein still refers to classical <em>tafsir</em> which indicates his broad and deep knowledge of Islamic sciences while also connects his <em>tafsir</em> to the contemporary social context of Indonesia.</p> Zaenal Muttaqin , Azka Zahro Nafiza Copyright (c) 2022 Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 Wacana Toleransi Beragama dalam Chanel Youtube Cahaya untuk Indonesia Episode Sabrang : Kenapa Kamu Harus Merendahkan Orang Lain untuk Mengangkat Dirimu ? <p>Perkembangan teknologi komunikasi (internet dan sosial media) menjadikan masyarakat global tidak terbatas, siapa saja dapat menjadi pengirim dan penerima pesan sekaligus, termasuk juga dalam hal berdakwah. Salah satu karakter masyarakat digital adalah beragam, bebas dan cenderung tidak suka terikat. Karena itu dakwah toleransi di ruang digital seperti Youtube menjadi sesuatu yang sangat penting dan diperlukan. Dakwah yang berisi muatan toleransi dipahami sebagai upaya mengajak atau menyeru seseorang dengan pendekatan yang tidak menyinggung perasaan lawan bicaranya, tidak diskriminasi terhadap golongan yang berbeda, menghargai, dan mengedepankan kelembutan dan kasih sayang. Salah satu tokoh yang gemar menyuarakan nilai – nilai kasih sayang dalam menafsirkan agama adalah Sabrang Mowo Damar Panuluh atau akrab dipanggil Noe yang merupakan anak dari budayawan Emha Ainun Nadjib (Cak Nun). Untuk itu penelitian ini ingin memfokuskan pada wacana teks toleransi beragama pada chanel Youtube Cahaya untuk Indonesia episode Sabrang : Kenapa Kamu Harus Merendahkan Orang Lain untuk Mengangkat Dirimu ?. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah (1) Bagaimana wacana teks yang terdapat pada chanel Youtube Cahaya untuk Indonesia episode Sabrang : Kenapa Kamu Harus Merendahkan Orang Lain untuk Mengangkat Dirimu ?; (2) Bagaimana dimensi kognisi sosial dan konteks sosial pada chanel Youtube tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah sumber data primer dan sumber data sekunder, sumber data primer dalam penelitian ini adalah video Sabrang bersama dengan Habib Ja’far Al-Hadar melalui chanel Youtube Cahaya untuk Indonesia dengan judul Sabrang : Kenapa Kamu Harus Merendahkan Orang Lain untuk Mengangkat Dirimu ?. Sementara itu, sumber data sekunder peneliti peroleh dari buku, jurnal, artikel, dan sumber lain yang dapat digunakan sebagai pelengkap. Selanjutnya metode pengumpulan&nbsp; data dilakukan dengan metode observasi dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan dalam tiga tahap, yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Untuk mengolah data penelitian ini akan menggunakan kerangka teori analisis wacana dari A Van Dijk, yang terdiri dari analisis teks, kognisi sosial dan konteks sosial dan menggunakan tiga bagian yaitu struktur makro, suprastruktur, dan struktur mikro. Ketiga bagian tersebut selanjutnya dapat dibagi lagi menjadi enam bagian yaitu tematik, skematik, sintaksis, stilistika, dan retoris. Sehingga pesan yang ingin disampaikan dapat dianalisis dengan lebih jelas.</p> Puput Dwi Lestari Copyright (c) 2022 Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 ANALISIS UPAYA UIN RADEN MAS SAID DALAM IMPLEMENTASI NILAI-NILAI MODERASI BERAGAMA DI ERA MODERN <p>Perguruan tinggi merupakan suatu lembaga yang memiliki peran penting dalam pembentukan karakter bangsa, utamanya bagi mahasiswa. Perguruan tinggi berkedudukan sebagai pusat peradaban masyarakat yang diharapkan mampu &nbsp;bersinergi serta menjadi pusat aspirasi, inspirasi maupun refleksi sehingga mahasiswa dapat menjadi pribadi yang berintegritas dan bermoral yaitu dengan merealisasikan pendidikan moderasi beragama. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis berbagai macam upaya yang dijalankan oleh UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta dalam mengimplementasikan nilai-nilai moderasi beragama di era modern. Metode yang digunakan adalah observasi dan studi lliteratur. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwasanya di era modern yang semakin marak degradasi moral mendorong manusia untuk dapat bersikap moderat agar terhindar dari sifat ekstrim, radikal dan sekuler. Terdapat empat indikator moderasi beragama yaitu komitmen kebangsaan, toleransi, anti-kekerasan dan akomodatif pada kebudayaan lokal. Maka perguruan tinggi sangatlah urgen kedudukannya dalam mengupayakan implementasi nilai-nilai moderasi beragama pada mahasiswa yaitu melalui aktualisasi tiga pilar diantaranya adalah moderasi pemikiran, moderasi gerakan dan moderasi perbuatan. Diantara nilai-nilai moderasi beragama yang diusung oleh UIN Raden Mas Said ialah <em>tawassuth</em> (tengah-tengah), <em>I’tidal</em> (tegak-lurus), <em>tasamuh</em> (toleransi), <em>syura</em> (musyawarah), <em>ishlah</em> (reformasi), <em>qudwah</em> (kepeloporan), <em>muwathanah</em> (cinta tanah air), <em>la ‘unf</em> (anti-kekerasan) dan <em>I’tibar al-‘urf</em> (ramah budaya).</p> Isna Shofiyani Fathoni Copyright (c) 2022 Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 Narasi Toleransi Beragama di Media Sosial (Studi Atas Akun Twitter Komunitas Katolik Garis Lucu) <p>The era of the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia, which has been going on since the beginning of 2020, has had quite an impact on people’s lives, one of which is related to the rules for limiting social interaction. This policy on the one hand forces people to limit direct interaction, and on the other hand opens opportunities for virtual interaction, in this case social media. In the period of the pandemic until now, which is claimed to have entered an endemic period, the interactions built by the community in the digital world do not necessarily occur without a single obstacle. The consequences are fatal if there is misunderstanding in the name of identity, one of which is about religious identity. So then, the role of the social media universe, especially accounts that are managed non-personally becomes very important in maintaining the integrity of religious tolerance in the digital world. This article tries to discuss the religious tolerance narrative built by the twitter account of the Komunitas Katolik Garis Lucu. This community is one of the GL (Garis Lucu) communities that thrive on twitter social media. This research uses a qualitative-descriptive approach and Roland Barthes semiotic analysis. As a result, it was found that the twitter account of the Kaomunitas Katolik Garis Luc played a role in building the creation of communiation within the scope of multiculturalism by using typical writings in the form of jokes, memes, and satire. This communication can directly and/or indirectly trigger adaptability, flexibility, and tolerance in accepting differences, specifically on religion.</p> Arina Al Ayya Copyright (c) 2022 Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 الإندماج عن الوسطية الدينية في تعلم اللغة العربية بعد كوفيد -19 <p>Indonesian's cultural wealth is a potential that can contribute to enriching the wealth of the country, it can also be a source of conflict if these resources are not be managed properly and carefully. Facing this, religious moderation is the best solution in dealing with all differences, both extreme and fundamental groups in the midst of a multicultural nation. On the other hand, Arabic as one of the compulsory subjects for Islamic educational institutions from elementary to tertiary levels, is also responsible for guarding the mandate of religious moderation. This is in accordance with what is stated in article 3 of the national education system law number 20 of 2003.</p> <p>This study is intended to create the concept of learning Arabic based on religious moderation. This research is a library research, which tries to examine religious moderation through non-binding literacy sources originating from books, journals and research in any form. The data that has been obtained, analyzed using the method of content analysis with the approach of Discourse Analysis. After an in-depth study, this research resulted in a formula for integrating moderate values ​​in Arabic learning with Banks' five dimensions: material integration, building knowledge, adapting learning methods, reducing prejudice and strengthening school culture and social structure.</p> Rina Asih Handayani, Miftahuddin Miftahuddin Copyright (c) 2022 Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 Islam dan Pluralisme : Reinterpretasi Konsep al- Ḥanīfiyyah dan as- Samḥah dalam Hadis Nabi <p>This study reinterprets the meaning of al-ḥanīfiyyah and as-samḥah so that it has a wider contextualization. The portion of tolerance in Islam tends to be greater in the divine religions, namely Christianity and Judaism or the religion commonly called the Hanif religion which has similar genealogy and teachings. The world or non-celestial religions then experienced animitation and were considered primitive. Negative labeling continues to be intertwined with the dominance of divine religion. This outdated concept certainly needs a new, more universal interpretation, considering that discrimination between religions has become a terrible scourge today. The author in dissecting the hadith which reads "'Which religion is most loved by Allah? So he said: 'al-ḥanīfiyyah as-samḥah." using Hans-Georg Gadamer's Hermeneutics which includes Historically Effected Consciousness, Pre-understanding, Fusion of Horizons, and Application. Gadamer states that interpretation is the fusion of several horizons, namely the horizon of the writer, interpreter or reader, both past and present. Thus the meaning will be dynamic beyond the author himself. This theory is used because it has flexibility in meaning based on the reader's horizon so that it can be the basis for religious moderation. The results of this paper find that, al-ḥanīfiyyah can mean all religions that are believed by their adherents to be the straight truth without having to demean other religions. as-Samḥah can mean a religion that is tolerant and does not discriminate against others, of course this meaning applies to all religions and even beliefs. The implications of this interpretation make Islam accept the concept of religious pluralism. The similarity of religion is basically at the level of transcendence, esoteric, and essence, not immanent (shari'ah).</p> Mohammad Fattahun Ni’am, Mustikawati Mustikawati Copyright (c) 2022 Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 The State as an Instrument of Religious Tolerance (Analysis of the Aphorism of Hubbul Wathon Minal Iman) <p>This study aims to analyze the correlation between the state and religious tolerance in the aphorism of <em>Hubbul Wathon Minal Iman</em>. Aphorism in Arabic is called <em>hikmah, </em>one of the varieties of literary language with its characteristics, such as concise, dense, memorable which contains life attitudes or general truths. In this research, the values behind the aphorism of Hubbul Wathon Minal Iman become important to study how the aphorism became an instrument in the attitude of religious tolerance and state. This research uses a qualitative-descriptive approach method with the fiqh legal maxim analysis, collecting data from sources that have studied the aphorisms of<em> Hubbul Wathon Minal Iman</em> and related literature to analyze the correlation between the state and religious tolerance. In general, this paper shows a strong correlation between the value of nationality ​​and religious tolerance, not only slogan but also profound philosophical value. The state’s existence not only assists with the principle of religious tolerance but also supports the implementation of religious tolerance itself. The aphorisms that derived from the Arabic language construct mutual tolerance, moderation, mutual respect, harmony, peace, diversity acceptance and efforstlessly blaming other parties in the context of national and state life.</p> Muh. Rizki Zailani Copyright (c) 2022 Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 Tolerance Education in Local Cultural Wisdom Values (The Study At Ki Ageng Tarub Cultural Kirab, Tarub Village, Tawangharjo, Grobogan) <p>Indonesia is a pluralistic country, with the motto "Bhineka Tunggal Ika". With these different conditions, it is necessary to build a sense of tolerance among elements of society. Moreover, the issue of ethnicity, race, religion and culture often triggers conflicts in society. One of the ways to unite the community is the existence of local wisdom. This study intends to reveal how the education of tolerance in the values ​​of local cultural wisdom contained in the Ki Ageng Tarub Kirab, so that it can accommodate the relationship of tolerance between communities</p> <p>This research is a qualitative-explorative, case study with an ethnographic approach. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation and documentation. And data analysis uses interactive analysis which includes data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions.</p> <p>The result of this study is that the sense of tolerance contained in the local wisdom of Ki Ageng Tarub can develop well in the midst of society. Tolerance education within the framework of structurally functional local wisdom can unite different elements of society, creating social integration and highly respected social solidarity. The values ​​of tolerance education in local wisdom that are instilled include the value of solidarity, the value of harmony, the value of unity and mutual respect between elements of society.</p> Ahmad Fauzi Copyright (c) 2022 Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 REORIENTATION THE ISLAMIC EDUCATION SYSTEM IN ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOL; STUDY OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF INCLUSIVE VALUE IN SALAFI AND KHALAFI ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOL IN MADURA <p>Islamic boarding school education system has been more oriented toward the attainment of worship ability and understanding of tauhid with singular dogma, so santri as the output of Islamic boarding school with an exclusive nuance. This condition will be a big problem when Islamic boarding school and <em>Kiai</em> are role model in all aspects of society’s life as in Madura. So that exclusive education system that brought by Kiai and they Islamic boarding school become a qibla for cultural development and the intellectual of Madura society that far from moderation and tolerance. The aim of this study are for measuring the implementation of inclusive Islamic education system in <em>salafi </em>and <em>khalafi</em> Islamic boarding school in Madura in for indicators: tolerance, equality, <em>tawazun, </em>and <em>musyawarah</em>. The result of the first aim will be the key to formulate the strategic way for reorientating the inclusive Islamic education system. This study used quantitative and qualitative method.&nbsp; The result of this study are, <strong>first </strong>the the implementation of inclusive Islamic education system for indicator tolerance is in quite good category in <em>salafi </em>and in good one &nbsp;in <em>khalafi</em>. The indicator equality , <em>tawazun </em>are in good category for both. The <em>musyawarah</em> showed in quite good category in <em>salafi </em>and in good one in&nbsp; <em>khalafi</em>. <strong>Second</strong>, There are three strategic way for reorientating the inclusive Islamic education system. 1. Teacher should have ability to apply inclusive value, 2. Curriculum should consist of inclusive value for muslim and others religion.3. using 3 of moderation such moderation of thougth, movement and action.</p> Maryam Qadarin, Ahmad Fauzi Copyright (c) 2022 Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 إدخال نتائج الاعتدال الديني في تعليم اللغة العربية <p>Trend moderasi beragama tidak asing lagi di kalangan akademisi. Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Agama pada Kementerian Agama Republik Indonesia tahun 2021 menjadikan tranding istilah moderasi beragama dibumikan dan digaungkan di Indonesia. Penanaman karakter akhlak mulia melalui pembiasaan dalam pembelajaran di era abad 21 ini menjadi obyek penting. Kementerian Agama Republik Indonesia melalui Dirjen Kurikulum telah merumuskan program pendidikan akhlak mulai dengan target utama mewu judkan generasi Islam yang moderat di lembaga pendidikan keagamaan khususnya di madrasah. Keputusan Menteri Agama (KMA) Nomor 183 Tahun 2019 tentang Kurikulum Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) dan Bahasa Arab pada Madrasah. Dengan adanya hal ini, lalu bagaimana gambaran insersi nilai-nilai moderasi beragama dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Arab di madrasah? Penulis ingin memberikan informasi terkait hal ini. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian studi Pustaka untuk mengulang Kembali informasi dengan menelusuri artikel-artikel terkait dengan moderasi beragama pada pembelajaran bahasa Arab. Adapun Teknik pengumpulan datanya adalah dokumentasi dari artikel terkait. Dari hasil penelusuran dan telaah dapat disimpulkan bahwa insersi nilai-nilai moderasi pada pembelajaran bahasa Arab di madrasah dilakukan dengan menanamkannya pada pembelajaran bahasa Arab meliputi: 1) insersi nilai moderasi beragama pada kurikulum bahasa Arab, 2) insersi nilai moderasi beragama pada pengembangan bahan ajar bahasa arab berbasis kearifan local, 3) insersi nilai moderasi beragama pada model pembelajaran bahasa arab abad 21.</p> Cahya Edi Setyawan, Syaifullah Syaifullah Copyright (c) 2022 Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 أهمية التعليم الإسلامي المعتدل في التغلب على أعمال القرن الحادي والعشرين الألفي التحرري على تأثير الثقافة الأجنبية <p>This study aims to: (1) Identify the liberal actions of the 21st century millennial generation due to the influence of foreign cultures. (2) Describe the urgency of religious moderation education in overcoming the liberal actions of the millennial generation of the 21st century. This study uses a qualitative research type with a literature study method with a phenomenological approach. The results of this study indicate that (1) the millennial generation does not have strong self-control in responding to foreign cultural developments, causing low religious moderation for the 21st century millennial generation in terms of faith and morals due to their lack of control in responding to foreign cultures. (2) Low moderation millennial generation can be overcome by providing education to them. Education in Islamic moderation can be carried out by community leaders such as the government, religious and cultural leaders, parents and families. The results of this study indicate that Islamic moderation education is very important given to the millennial generation of the 21st century as an effort to overcome the low level of Islamic moderation and as a form of effort to control the liberal attitude of teenagers towards the development of foreign cultures in Indonesia.</p> Ahmad Taufiq, Arrum Wijaya Copyright (c) 2022 Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 THE VISUALIZATION OF RELIGIOUS TOLERANCE INSIDE A PICTURE <p>Indonesian religious life has recently changed due to political issues that exploded after the general election held on April 17, 2019. This condition has disrupted the harmony of Indonesia's life and the raised intolerance among Indonesians. Along 2020, it was recorded some cases related the intolerance based on religion. Since the growing numbers of internet users among Indonesian people, it caused social media users in Indonesia has become a fertile ground for the spread of radical Islamic ideas and the increase of openness for piety in online spheres. Instagram is one of the currently popular social media among many people, especially young generations. Instagram was launched in October 2011 and immediately became viral for photo sharing. Infographics are one ways to visualize much complex information into one image uploaded on Instagram application. This paper will discuss infographics which was uploaded by @islamidotco account especially for visualizing the religious tolerance. The discourse analysis method by Teun Van Dijk was employed to analyse the infographics.&nbsp; This research is descriptive qualitative research, it is going to investigate how an infographic possibly became an alternative da’wa to visualize religious tolerance narratives on Instagram platform and how religious tolerance through infographics were constructed. The result reveals that @islamidotco account focussing on promoting religious tolerance by illustrating some infographics which visualize about respecting other religion, acknowledging diversity and supporting minorities. Pictures tell more accurate information than words, and thus, infographic can be an alternative technique for <em>da’wah</em>, especially in presenting moderate Islamic discourses among the propaganda of Islamic extremism discourses on social media especially in Instagram.</p> Zulfi Zumala Dwi Andriani Copyright (c) 2022 Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 Religious Tolerance in Indonesian Language Teaching for Foreign Speaker (BIPA) <p>Indonesian Language Teaching for Foreign Speaker (Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia bagi Penutur Asing/BIPA) in Thammasat University Thailand has special uniqueness viewed from point of view of religious tolerance values. BIPA classroom consists of students from various religion such as Buddha, Christianity, and Islam. The background of different believes needs tollerance among religion believers. The objective of this study is to discuss religious tolerance in Indonesian Language Teaching for Foreign Speaker (Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia bagi Penutur Asing/BIPA) classroom in Thammasat University Thailand. This research is qualitative descriptive Penelitian ini termasuk using ke dalam jenis techniques of collecting data in form of observation, penelitian interview, and deskriptif kualiatif dengan documentation. The validity of the data uses triangulation. The technique of data analysis uses interactive model. The result of the study shows that Indonesian Language Teaching for Foreign Speaker (Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia bagi Penutur Asing/BIPA) teaching in Thammasat Univeraity Thailand has internalized religious tolerance values. It could be seen from 1) Planning step, constructed syllabus has integrated religious tolerance, especially in choosing reading material; 2) Action Step, tolerance value has been taught through respecting and appreciating other's believes which differ from their own ones, being tolerant of religious ceremony, worship places, bersikap and other believes, giving chance to moslem students who do required prayers, and introducing to other Indonesian cultures; 3) Evaluation Step, taken from product-and-process-based assessment based on dilakukan melalui students' competence, without seeing their backgrounds of religion, ethnic, race,nd groups. Along the process of BIPA teaching, character building were focused on tolerant manners, such as respecting, not disturbing public orders, respecting joint desicions, and receiving diversity in their environtment, as well as interpreting tolerance manners in the BIPA classroom and also out of the classroom. </p> Siti Isnaniah, Tiya Agustina, Nurul Fadzilatul Husna Copyright (c) 2022 Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 Incorporating Religious Moderation Values Through English Language Teaching (ELT) Instructional Materials to Prevent Religious Intolerance <p>In recent years, Indonesian educational institutions and authorities have been concerned about religious intolerance and cultural diversity. According to some reports, Indonesia has recently seen an increase in the number of incidents involving religious intolerance as well as violations. Therefore, Indonesia's national motto, "unity in diversity," must be preserved by implementing preventative measures. This study explored the efforts accomplished by Indonesian EFL Teachers in fostering religious moderation in society in order to establish peace and harmony through the integration of religious moderation values in ELT instructional materials. Through a qualitative case study design, this study involved four EFL teachers in an Islamic State University in Central Java, Indonesia, as research participants. The data of this study were garnered through an in-depth interview with the four participants. The data of this study were then evaluated narratively. The findings of this study include some useful strategies for incorporating religiously moderate principles into English language teachings, such as (1) the EFL teachers integrate the values of religious moderation through the four language skills, i.e., listening, speaking, reading, and writing, (2) for listening and reading, the receptive skills; they carefully select the passages which contain the values of religious moderation, such as pluralism, for students to listen and read, and (3) for speaking and writing, the productive skills, they choose the topics about religious moderation, religious tolerance, and pluralism for speaking and writing activities.</p> M. Ali Ghufron Copyright (c) 2022 Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 Internalizing Religious Moderation Values through Project-Based Learning in English Language Teaching: A Literature Review <p>Some reports have uncovered that many religious intolerance and violation cases still appeared in Indonesia recently. As a consequence, internalizing the values ​​of religious moderation to higher education students is urgently needed. To realize this crucial demand, integrating those values into the learning materials in ELT (English Language Teaching) can be started from the subject concerning teaching media for young learners which learns about making effective and fun learning media for teaching children English. Mostly the materials are still focused on learning English only; no topic is specifically related to inculcating religious moderation on making the teaching media that must be mastered by the students as teacher candidates. &nbsp;This paper tries to explain the concepts of making English teaching media for young learners carried out through Project-Based Learning (PjBL) which allows students to work collaboratively to produce some works or products that are relevant to real life, problem-solving, and communicative.&nbsp; Therefore, the products can be used to teach English to children which include the values ​​of religious moderation. This research is a literature review. The results show that the values ​​of religious moderation that can be internalized into lecture materials as well as teaching media are justice, balance, tolerance, and equality. Those values can be embedded through stories, examples, pictures, questions, or even games in teaching media. The research results can be a reference to develop learning materials in ELT and to conduct similar further research.</p> Arini Yusti, Sulistiyarini Ika Copyright (c) 2022 Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 MENOLAK SYUBHAT: SEMANGAT TOLERANSI BERAGAMA DALAM DISKURSUS KONVERSI AGAMA LITERATUR FIKIH KLASIK <p>Intoleransi beragama di Indonesia kembali menguat seiring Pandemi Covid-19. Hal ini ditandai dengan meningkatnya jumlah tindakan pelanggaran KKB dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya. Keadaan ini tentu mengindikasikan urgensi penguatan toleransi beragam di tengah-tengah masyarakat kita. Salah satu yang disinyalir menjadi faktor penyebab intoleransi adalah pemahaman terhadap sumber ajaran keagamaan itu sendiri. Di sinilah literatur fikih klasik sebagai produk pemahaman terhadap sumber-sumber keislaman – yang notabene banyak menjadi rujukan umat Islam – kerap dituding mewariskan pandangan yang intoleran. Terutama pada kasus-kasus yang beririsan dengan inti agama (akidah). Benarkah literatur fikih klasik telah mewariskan pandangan intoleran? Guna menjawab kesangsian (syubhat) ini, studi ini akan bertolak dari isu konversi agama (<em>riddah</em>) sebagai salah satu topik penting dalam pembahasan toleransi dan kebebasan beragama dalam Islam. Mula-mula studi ini hendak mengungkap bagaimana semangat toleransi beragama dalam diskursus konversi agama literatur fikih klasik serta implikasinya terhadap toleransi beragama dalam konteks keindonesiaan. Penelitian pustaka ini menyimpulkan, semangat toleransi beragama sejatinya telah terkandung dalam diskursus literatur fikih klasik mengenai hukuman mati bagi pelaku konversi agama. Implikasinya, pandangan ini tampak sangat potensial untuk dikembangkan dan didayagunakan sebagai alat rekayasa sosial guna mewujudkan masyarakat yang toleran. Secara simultan, pandangan ini telah membuktikan, tuduhan bahwa literatur fikih klasik mewariskan paham intoleran adalah klaim yang tidak berdasar.</p> Saifir Rohman Copyright (c) 2022 Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 Efforts to Eradicate Illegal Cigarettes Through Puppet Play Performance "Pandawa Rise" as a Form of Religious Moderation in Welcoming the Islamic New Year 1 Muharram 1444 H in Cepogo District, Boyolali Regency <p><em>The spread of illegal cigarettes is a case that harms many parties, because there are no customs levies in it. The sale of illegal cigarettes in Cepogo District, Boyolali district needs to be eradicated. People who are not aware of customs, of course prefer to buy cheap cigarettes with the same taste. The approach and explanation of this is done through socialization which is wrapped in wayang kulit performances. This paper aims to explain the government's efforts to eradicate the spread of illegal cigarettes through &nbsp;puppets performances with the play "Pandawa Rise" as a form of religious moderation in welcoming the Islamic New Year 1 Muharram 1444 H in Cepogo sub-district, Boyolali district. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive research, with data sources are interviews, observations and documentation. Interviews were conducted with the Cepogo sub-district government, the puppeteer, the people who enjoy wayang / who attend the performance and the general public in Cepogo District. The data validation technique uses triangulation of theories and methods, while the qualitative data analysis technique uses the Spardley model. The results of the study indicate that there are several principles of religious moderation that exist in the government's efforts to socialize the prohibition of the spread of illegal cigarettes. These principles include: (1) Tawassut (taking the middle way), (2) tawazun (balance), (3) I'tidal (straight and firm), (4) tasamuh (tolerance), (5) Musawah ( equality) between the local community and the government in enlivening the performance, (6) Ishlah reforming the way to approach the community, (7) tathawur wa ibtikar (dynamic and innovative) and 8) tahadhdhur (civilized). The results also show that the Pandawa Rising play is a depiction of the wrath of anger that will always lose to virtue. This is illustrated by the figure of sengkuni and his friends who want to burn the pandavas and their mother in the palace of wanabrata. The perpetrators of distributing illegal cigarettes are described as such figures because they are felt to be detrimental to many parties. Meanwhile the government, tax-abiding people, and people who don't want to consume cigarettes and try to eradicate them are described as pandavas. The socialization also conveys the existence of strict legal sanctions if there are people who intentionally sell and or buy illegal cigarettes.</em></p> Sri Lestari, Alifia Nuraini Copyright (c) 2022 Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 ANALISIS UPAYA UIN RADEN MAS SAID DALAM IMPLEMENTASI NILAI-NILAI MODERASI BERAGAMA DI ERA MODERN <p>Perguruan tinggi merupakan suatu lembaga yang memiliki peran penting dalam pembentukan karakter bangsa, utamanya bagi mahasiswa. Perguruan tinggi berkedudukan sebagai pusat peradaban masyarakat yang diharapkan mampu &nbsp;bersinergi serta menjadi pusat aspirasi, inspirasi maupun refleksi sehingga mahasiswa dapat menjadi pribadi yang berintegritas dan bermoral yaitu dengan merealisasikan pendidikan moderasi beragama. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis berbagai macam upaya yang dijalankan oleh UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta dalam mengimplementasikan nilai-nilai moderasi beragama di era modern. Metode yang digunakan adalah observasi dan studi lliteratur. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwasanya di era modern yang semakin marak degradasi moral mendorong manusia untuk dapat bersikap moderat agar terhindar dari sifat ekstrim, radikal dan sekuler. Terdapat empat indikator moderasi beragama yaitu komitmen kebangsaan, toleransi, anti-kekerasan dan akomodatif pada kebudayaan lokal. Maka perguruan tinggi sangatlah urgen kedudukannya dalam mengupayakan implementasi nilai-nilai moderasi beragama pada mahasiswa yaitu melalui aktualisasi tiga pilar diantaranya adalah moderasi pemikiran, moderasi gerakan dan moderasi perbuatan. Diantara nilai-nilai moderasi beragama yang diusung oleh UIN Raden Mas Said ialah <em>tawassuth</em> (tengah-tengah), <em>I’tidal</em> (tegak-lurus), <em>tasamuh</em> (toleransi), <em>syura</em> (musyawarah), <em>ishlah</em> (reformasi), <em>qudwah</em> (kepeloporan), <em>muwathanah</em> (cinta tanah air), <em>la ‘unf</em> (anti-kekerasan) dan <em>I’tibar al-‘urf</em> (ramah budaya).</p> Isna Shofiyani Fathoni Copyright (c) 2022 Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 Peran Komunitas Pergerakan Perempuan Srilijogja dalam Kampanye Moderasi Beragama di Media Sosial <p>This study discusses the role of women in campaigning for religious moderation through social media. This study aims to determine the role of women in realizing religious moderation through social media. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method, the data analysis used in this study uses a type of literature study with an Islamic feminism approach. The data collection process was carried out through online observations of women's activities on social media, namely the cross-faith hero community @srilijogja. The results of the study indicate that the role of the women's community in realizing religious moderation on social media starts from efforts to create justice, tolerance, spread the face of Islam as rahmah, polite. The women's community on social media is not active in providing reinforcement on strengthening ideology but also in carrying out real activities (action), countering radical ideas, breaking the chain of extremism, spreading Islam that is rahmatan lil alamin, tolerance through the use of Instagram social media through messages. the message is persuasive. Where tolerance is an important point for the realization of Religious Moderation.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Rojif Mualim, Ikhda Khullatil Mardliyah Copyright (c) 2022 Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 WACANA HUMOR TOLERANSI BERAGAMA DALAM SUDUT PANDANG GEN-Z: STUDI KASUS PERTEMANAN BEDA AGAMA <p><em>Komnas HAM revealed that there is a tendency towards intolerance among teenagers or Gen-Z. Data compiled from the findings of the Komnas HAM study from 2012-2018 shows an increase in the tendency of religious intolerance among teenagers by 50 percent, this condition has continued to increase from 20 percent since 2012. The increase in intolerance among teenagers is a problem that needs special attention. There are various ways to express tolerance in religion, one of which is through humorous discourse. Humor can arouse the spirit and passion of the originator and listener. In addition, humor is often used as a forum for initiating acts of tolerance between religious communities. Even humor can reach and be easily accepted in the realm of the circle of friends. The novelty of this research is that studies on the humorous discourse of religious tolerance have not been done much, especially in expressing the perspective of Gen-Z regarding religious tolerance. The purpose of this study is to reveal and describe the Z-generation view of religious tolerance in loose humor. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method to describe the presentation of data in the form of verbal humors that become inclusiveness in the realm of tolerance for different religions. The data sources of this research are events and informants. The research data were collected through observation and interview techniques. The data analysis of this research uses the interactive theory of Miles and Huberman, which is in the form of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions until the data is completely saturated. The results of this study indicate that Gen-Z's view of responding to humor is a way of fostering tolerance values ​​with the typical humor of Gen-Z teenagers. Discourse of humor carried out by a group of teenagers within the scope of friendships of different beliefs or religions, is able to reduce forms of discourse or attitudes of intolerance in the sphere of youth association as long as it does not violate personal beliefs or certain groups.</em></p> Afrizal Mufti, Iqbal Syahrul Akbar Al Aziz, Dian Uswatun Hasanah Copyright (c) 2022 Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 The Workstation Method As An Indonesian Language Learning Innovation In The Application Of Religious Tolerance <p>There are two kinds of religious tolerance, namely tolerance for fellow believers and tolerance for followers of different religions. This tolerance can be found in the world of education. Even in the world of boarding schools or boarding schools. Schools, in this case Indonesian language learning materials, can apply the context of religious tolerance to texts read by students. The purpose of this research is to apply the work station method as an innovation in learning Indonesian in religious tolerance. Workstation is one of the developments of an integrative learning method that is applied so that the teaching and learning process is more enjoyable and the desired results are achieved. The research method uses descriptive qualitative data collection techniques in the form of questionnaires to students and teachers. The results of this study indicate a positive response from students and teachers. Teacher innovation in learning development is more creative and facilitates assessment. Students are better able to understand the material because they are introduced to various integrated learning methods. Tolerance in the group is very visible significantly because students are more able to respect the opinions of other groups.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Ika Martanti Mulyawati, Ardiani Kusumaningrum Copyright (c) 2022 Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 STRATEGIES OF RELIGIOUS MODERATION HOUSE IN RUNNING ITS ROLE ON PTKI <p>The mainstreaming of religious moderation is included in the 2020-2024 National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) compiled by Bappenas. PTKI (Islamic Religious Colleges) has a strategic role in strengthening religious moderation by establishing RMB (Religious Moderation House) as the Leading Sector in the internalization of moderate religious understanding in the campus environment. However, the position of RMB in terms of the organization in several Islamic colleges is still unclear, thus affecting the sources of institutional funding. The purpose of this study is to describe RMB's strategies in running its role as leading sector on PTKI. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach with data collection techniques through interviews, observation, and documentation. The data were then analyzed using the Huberman technique which consisted of data collection, data presentation, data reduction, and conclusions. The credibility of the data was tested using a triangulation technique of methods and data sources. The results showed that the RMB strategies to play&nbsp; its role consisted of 1) focusing on virtual world activities that minimized the use of budgets such as building social media networks by creating official institutional accounts on the website, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, etc., 2) developing creative and interactive contents with messages and activities of religious moderation, 3) facilitating lecturers and students who wish to disseminate the results of their thoughts and research related to religious moderation, and 4) compiling a book containing a collection of articles from the RMB management as a final project.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Ilmudinulloh R, Gunawan E, Bustomi A, Isroani F Copyright (c) 2022 Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 Religious Moderation Campaign Through Social Media <p>The spread of the meaning of religious moderation in practice has not been carried out massively in social activities. Coupled with the shift in public interaction towards the increasing use of social media in the post-pandemic. This study aims to review the role of social media in campaigning for religious moderation. This study uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive method. The social media reviewed include Youtube, Instagram, Tiktok, Facebook, and Twitter with media analysis in campaigning for religious moderation that has the most influence based on viral, figure, content, social media accounts (SMA). Data collection is done through literature studies in several reputable journals that discuss religious moderation using Publish or Perish software. Then, the data is selected based on a measurable analysis review through religious moderation keywords and social media. The data obtained, coded using the Nvivo 12 application through Word Similarity, then concluded with sentiment analysis with a total percentage of 100% at the analysis level. The results of this study suggest that the role of social media can be applied as an alternative strategy in spreading religious moderation in each analytical review. The results of the study were obtained because social media is a sophisticated technology to facilitate the exchange of ideas, thoughts, and information. In addition, this study also shows that there is an influence on the use of social media as a medium for campaigning for the religious moderation movement through several applications and features that can be maximized in the post-pandemic.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Puspita Puspita Copyright (c) 2022 Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 TOLERANSI AGAMA YANG DIREPRESENTASIKAN DI NOVEL “BULAN TERBELAH DI LANGIT AMERIKA” <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><em>Peningkatan kasus intoleransi beragama di Indonesia setiap tahunnya merupakan sebuah permasalahan yang serius dan harus segera diselesaikan demi menjaga keharmonisan warga negara dan keutuhan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia. Melalui pendidikan dan penanaman nilai toleransi sejak dini adalah salah satu solusi yang tepat dalam rangka menjaga keutuhan bangsa. novel "Bulan Terbelah di Langit Amerika" mencoba untuk merepresentasikan mengenai toleransi beragama dan perilaku yang terpuji yang dilakukan oleh orang muslim setelah terjadinya tragedi 9/11 yang mengakibatkan tuduhan negatif terhadap orang muslim</em><em>.</em><em> Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui</em> <em>pesan dakwah yang ingin disampaikan dalam novel </em><em>Bulan Terbelah di Langit Eropa</em><em>. Metode pengambilan data yang digunakan penulis adalah metode pengamatan dari novel "Bulan Terbelah di Langit Amerika" dan penggunaan teknik analisis naratif( narrative analysis ) yang dilakukan terhadap informasi yang ditemukan dalam rekaman , baik gambar , suara maupun tulisan di novel tersebut. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut, penulis menemukan beberapa nilai-nilai toleransi antar umat beragama dalam novel "Bulan Terbelah di Langit Amerika" yaitu toleransi</em><em> antarumat beragama, istiqomah, dan bertanggungjawab.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Muhammad Dedi Hernandi Copyright (c) 2022 Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 Preserving Religious Harmony: A Case Study of the Cermin Multicultural Elementary School in Alor, East Nusa Tenggara <p>the vast migration and rapid growth of information technology have triggered concern over the threat to religious harmony in Indonesia. This condition motivated different parties to take part in preserving religious diversity, particularly in Alor. The case study in this area focuses on a multicultural elementary school called “Cermin” (Cerdas dan Beriman) and their effort to conserve religious harmony values in Alor. This study uses qualitative as a research method and descriptive analysis through interviews, documentation, and references study for data collection. The result has shown that the Cermin Multicultural Elementary School was consistent in implementing religious harmony values to their student. It can be seen from various activities carried out by the school every year. Although this school was owned by a Christian foundation, it does not limit the opportunity for other children from any religion and ethnicity to participate and study. Implementing local wisdom, such as the harmony between mountain and beach, offers a positive impact not only on growing harmony between diverse religions but also on various ethnic groups living in Alor. Students are taught about how to deal with diversity. The use of local wisdom as an approach to convey inter-religion harmony values is very useful because it is closer to the student's character.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Dewa Agung Gede Agung, Muhammad Renaldi Saifullah, Anggermeyla Berlian, I Gusti Ngurah Adi Pangestu Copyright (c) 2022 Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 MODEL OF "TEPO SELIRO" IN SUNAN KUDUS SPIRITUAL GUIDANCE AS THE IMPLEMENTATION OF RELIGIOUS MODERATION FOR MILLENNIAL SANTRI <p>Religious moderation is one of the discourses that is often discussed in the last decade. This is the antithesis of violence, intolerance, terror, war, riots, hate speech, hoax news, and provocative issues, in the name of religion which is a source of vertical conflict that spreads to horizontal issues that cause hostility between people and groups. Those are the trigger for the occurrence of threats to the harmony of human life in the national and world context. Intolerance in religion is mostly influenced by a lack of true religious understanding, even though the Qur'an mentions that many moderate principles and attitudes can be applied in the national education system as well as <em>pesantren.</em> The purpose of this study is to examine the spirituality of Sunan Kudus teachings on religious moderation which is implemented for millennial students. This study uses a phenomenological approach and content analysis by collecting data through observation, interviews, and documentation. The findings in the study show that there is a strengthening of the value of religious moderation of Sunan Kudus teachings which can be applied to millennial <em>santri,</em> where this step is one of the efforts to strengthen religious moderation in practical life.</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Muhamad Rozikan Copyright (c) 2022 Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 Peran Analisis Retorika Semit dalam Studi Al-Qur’an dan Penguatan Toleransi Beragama <p>The emergence of Semitic rhetoric is based on two opposing orientations in assessing the unity of the language structure of the Qur'an. Classical and modern Islamic studies argue that the structure of the Qur'an contains unity and harmony. Meanwhile, most orientalism studies consider that the structure of the Qur'an contains disintegration and is incoherent so that it is necessary to reorder it to fit the logic. Cuypers assumes that the reason for the orientalists' judgments is that they measure the structure of the Qur'an with Greek rhetoric that does not match the structure of the language of the Qur'an. According to him, the structure of the Qur'an needs to be studied through an analysis of Semitic rhetoric. This article aims to reveal the role of Semitic rhetoric analysis on the coherence of the verses of the Qur'an as well as strengthening religious tolerance between religious communities, especially Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. This analysis is used to understand the variations in rhetorical style and language structure of the Qur'an in the historical context of the revelation of the holy book. At first this method was used as an approach to Torah and Bible texts. This research is a qualitative type using analytical descriptive method. Through this research, the researcher finds that Semitic rhetoric can be a new alternative in interpreting the verses of the Qur'an, as this analysis has been previously applied to the holy books of Jews and Christians. In addition, the use of analysis can also be used as a medium for strengthening tolerance between the three religious communities because it is based on the similarity of the structure of each holy book that is in the Semitic language family. This Cuypres study can be used as an important capital to strengthen religious tolerance after the COVID-19 pandemic.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Mohammad Yusuf Setyawan Copyright (c) 2022 Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 An Analysis of Religious Tolerances as Found from Instagram Comment Section <p><em>In the era of society 5.0 where everything can be digitized, social media is one of the important things in human life. Through social media, humans can do communication, sharing experiences, express their feeling, and showing an act about certain thing. Social media is a place to express and share all scopes of life, including religious tolerance. Religious tolerance can be found in human interactions on social media, seen from comments and engagements in social media’s post about an issue related to religion. By the research that will be conducted by the social media interactions, especially on instagram. Research formulation would be: How does Instagram promote the value of religious tolerance in Indonesia and how does it affect social interaction virtually?. This research aims to analyse value of religious tolerance in Indonesia and comment section in Instagram. This study used content Instagram and comment section to analyze value of religious tolerance in Indonesia and affect social interaction virtually.</em></p> Sugesti Pratiwi, Nia Maesaroh, Rika Uswatun Hasanah, Erika Indriyani Copyright (c) 2022 Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 Internalisasi Moderasi Beragama Dalam Budaya Malam Selikuran Masyarakat Jawa <p>Ramadhan merupakan bulan istimewa karena di dalamnya terdapat <em>Lailatul Qodar. </em>Ketika bicara tentang <em>Lailatul</em><em> Qodar</em> atau malam kemuliaan &nbsp;, masyarakat jawa memiliki &nbsp;tradisi dalam menyambutnya tradisi ini bernama Malam Selikuran. Tujuan tulisan ini membahas tentang kondisi Massyarakat Jawa, Tradisi &nbsp;Malam <em>Selikuran</em>, dan pengintegrasian &nbsp;Moderasi Beragama dalam kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara. Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian pustaka baik secara offline maupun online . hasil penelitian ini adalah bahwa dalam kehidupa multicultural diperlukan pemahaman dan kesadaran multi budaya yang menghargai perbedaan, kemajemukan dalam hal ini adanya tradisi Malam Selikuran dalam masyarakat Jawa, kemudian pengintegrasian Penerapan moderasi beragama dalam tradisi Malam Selikuran di Jawa. Mengingat banyak sekali keberagaman yang ada di jawa permasalahan akan muncul tentang waktu penyambutannya dan juga masyarakat yang berbeda agama dalam mememandang adanya tradisi malam selikuran yang ada di Jawa maka moderasi beragama amat sangat penting di terapkan guna menjaga persatuan dan kesatuan dan mewujudkan lingkungan yang harmonis.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Noviana Putri Ndah Sari Copyright (c) 2022 Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 Religious Tolerance Limits: A Semiotic Linguistics Analysis of Al-Kᾱfirūn Chapter <p>This article aims to find the demarcation limit lines of religious tolerance from Surah al-Kafirun and response to some Indonesian issues. This study is based on an exploratory analysis of semiotic linguistic meanings of an al-Quran chapter of <em>al-Kāfirūn</em> as an intention to respond to Indonesian Issues regarding to the practices of religious greeting of the opening public speech, congratulating other religious celebrations, and Muslim students’ singing performance and food sharing in the church as cases in point. This study finds that the religious tolerance limits are “the belief’’ and “the rituals”. Three activities are considered to go beyond the religious tolerance limits drawn from Q.S<em>. al-Kāfirūn</em>, namely: (1) compromising religious belief; (2) mixing religious ritual activities; and (3) imposing religion on others. These three are, among others, the measurement of the activities considered tolerance or intolerance.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Supardi Supardi Copyright (c) 2022 Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 POTRET TOLERANSI MASYARAKAT BANYUWANGI PADA MASA KOLONIAL <p>Penelitian ini berawal dari sebuah data statistik pada masa kolonial yang biasa disebut dengan istilah <em>volkstelling. </em>Pada <em>volkstelling </em>1930 terlihat komposisi penduduk Banyuwangi yang beragam; agama, suku dan ras. Sejarah panjang Banyuwangi menunjukkan bahwa telah terjadi persentuhan antara orang-orang Banyuwangi dengan orang-orang dari daerah lain. Sehingga dapat dikatakan pluralisme Banyuwangi telah mengakar seiring dengan perjalanan sejarahnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah ingin mengetahui dan menganalisis akar toleransi di Banyuwangi yang telah terjadi sejak masa kolonial hingga sekarang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode sejarah yang terdiri dari empat langkah; heuristik, kritik, interprestasi dan historiografi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perjalanan sejarah Banyuwangi adalah modal dasar toleransi beragama masyarakat Banyuwangi yang terjaga hingga saat ini.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Hervina Nurullita Copyright (c) 2022 Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 Toleransi dalam Tradisi Ruwahan di Puro Mangkunegaran <p>Ruwahan merupakan salah satu tradisi yang masih dijaga dan dilestarikan oleh Puro Mangkunegaran. Dalam pelaksanaannya diikuti oleh kerabat, abdi dalem dan masyarakat. Beberapa memiliki keyakinan yang berbeda, tetapi melakukan tradisi Ruwahan di tempat yang sama. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengupas tradisi Ruwahan di Puro Mangkunegaran dan nilai yang terkandung di dalamnya, untuk mengetahui toleransi beragama dalam pelaksanaan Ruwahan di Puro Mangkunegaran serta dampak toleransi beragama dalam pelaksanaan Ruwahan di Puro Mangkunegaran. Metode yang dilakukan adalah literature review, observasi serta wawancara langsung dengan kerabat, abdi dalem dan masyarakat di sekitar Puro Mangkunegaran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Ruwahan merupakan ritual yang memiliki maksud dan tujuan yang sama dengan ritual selametan. Dalam hal ini kegiatan ruwahan juga identik dengan kegiatan ziarah kubur yaitu mendoakan dan mengenang para leluhur. Puro Mangkunegaran biasanya melakukan Ruwahan pada malam hari setelah tanggal 1 bulan Ruwah, diawali dengan wilujengan dilanjutkan dengan ziarah kubur. Tradisi ziarah kubur mengajarkan kita untuk menghargai jasa-jasa dan menghormati para leluhur yang telah tiada dengan mendoakan agar memperoleh ketenangan dialamnya. Selanjutnya dalam tradisi ziarah kubur mengajarkan kita untuk mensyukuri nikmat yang telah kita peroleh dan mengajarkan kita untuk berbagi antar sesama. Dalam pelaksanaan tradisi Ruwahan di Puro Mangkunegaran dapat dilihat tidak ada perbedaan atau perlakuan khusus. Semua kerabat, abdi dalem, serta masyarakat yang hadir menjalankan tradisi sesuai dengan urutan-urutan prosesi Ruwahan. Meskipun terdapat perbedaan agama, hal tersebut tidak mengurangi makna dan kekhusukan dalam melakukan tradisi Ruwahan. Hal tersebut terjadi karena kerabat, abdi dalem maupun masyarakat saling menjaga toleransi beragama dan karena kebersamaan itulah maka pelaksanaan tradisi Ruwahan berjalan dengan lancar. Dampak toleransi beragama tersebut mampu membentuk karakter manusia yang lebih baik. Karakter yang baik itu dapat ditunjukkan dengan tindakan-tindakan yang bernilai moral terhadap Tuhan, bernilai moral terhadap sesama manusia berupa sikap toleransi.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Irma Ayu Kartika Dewi Copyright (c) 2022 Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 ANALYSIS OF THE VALUES OF RELIGIOUS TOLERANCE CONTAINED IN THE GOVERNMENT INTEGRATED THEMATIC COMPANY BOOK IN THE FRAMEWORK OF CIVIC EDUCATION LEARNING <p>This research analyzes the value of religious tolerance contained in an integrated thematic companion book for grade 2 within the scope of Civics Education learning based on Tillman D (2004) in Values Education for Young Adults. Risa Pratono's translation). Jakarta: Grasindo. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method with the instrument in the form of documentation. The data source used is a document: "Buku Penauntuk SD/MI Kelas 2 within the scope of Civic Education material". The results of the study indicate that a tolerance attitude is taught in the KD content that has been arranged in the book. Of course, the teacher is obliged to teach students the material that has been contained in it. The values of tolerance found include (1) peace is the goal; (2) tolerance is open and receptive to the beauty of difference; (3) tolerance respects individuals and differences; (4) tolerance is mutual respect for one another; (5) the seeds of intolerance are fear and indifference; (6) the seed of tolerance is love; (7) if there is no love, there is no tolerance; (8) who know to appreciate the goodness in others and situations have tolerance; (9) tolerance means dealing with difficult situations; and (10) tolerance for the discomforts of life by letting go, lighten up, and let others down.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Pepsi Febriyanti , Sindi Prasetyani Copyright (c) 2022 Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 Intoleransi Beragama di Media Sosial: Analisis Narasi Hoaks dan Interaksi Netizen <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Hoaks adalah ancaman bagi toleransi beragama, khususnya hoaks yang berkaitan dengan isu agama. Hoaks terkait agama sangat berbahaya karena sifatnya yang lebih sensitif. Hoaks ini biasanya mengunggulkan agama sendiri dan menyerang paham atau agama yang berseberangan. Selain itu, hoaks terkait agama juga biasa menyajikan petunjuk yang keliru, kesalahan dalam menginterpretasikan ayat Al-Qur’an, menghadirkan ketakutan dan membangkitkan emosional, serta mengatasnamakan otoritas agama. Di Indonesia, hoaks terkait agama (dalam hal ini SARA) menduduki posisi ke-dua sebagai hoaks paling banyak tersebar setelah politik di tingkat pertama. Di sisi lain, netizen Indonesia juga dikenal sebagai netizen paling tidak sopan se-Asia Tenggara karena tingginya risiko terpapar hoaks, ujaran kebencian, dan diskriminasi (Microsoft, 2020). Oleh karena itu, untuk meneguhkan toleransi beragama di masa pasca-pandemi, maka perhatian dan usaha ekstra perlu dilakukan dalam menangkal hoaks terkait agama. Artikel ini bertujuan menganalisis keterkaitan hoaks terkait agama dan intoleransi beragama. Rumusan masalah artikel ini adalah; pertama, bagaimana perbedaan agama dinarasikan dalam hoaks? Kedua, bagaimana interaksi netizen menyikapi hoaks tersebut? Artikel ini menggunakan metode Analisis Media Siber, yakni menganalisis pada level ruang media, level dokumen media, level objek media, dan level pengalaman. Adapun objek penelitian artikel ini adalah hoaks terkait Covid-19 dan Islam di masa awal pandemi Covid-19 (Januari-Maret 2020. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memperjelas keterkaitan hoaks agama dengan intoleransi beragama di media sosial.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Anita Sartika, Wahyu Hidayat Copyright (c) 2022 Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 RELIGIOUS TOLERANCE IN MULTICULTURAL COMMUNITIES : ENGLISH LEARNING AMONG PAPUAN STUDENTS IN JAYAPURA <p>This research discusses the phenomenon of the religious tolerance learning in multicultural communities : English among Papuan students, especially in the Jayapura university. Many tribes from various cultures have inhabited in the Jayapura city.&nbsp; The purpose of this research was to find out and understanding the religious tolerance in multicultural communities in English learning&nbsp; among Papuan students in University of Jayapura. The approach used was a quantitative approach with a descriptive method. The data collection technique used were observation, interviews, documentation study, with data collection tools in the form of observation, questioner, interview, and documentation. Research findings showed that the religious tolerance in learning English among Papuan students is quite high, it can be seen from the students did not discriminate in making friends even though different of ethnicity, beside that the students gave the time for prayer in each religion . Based on the observations, interviews and documentations that the researcher carried out proved that Papuan students and students of other ethnic community is good relation. They were able to show the creation of a mutual religious tolerance religion freedom. The existence of religion was not make a difference but it was a integrity of religious harmony.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;</strong></p> Linda Safitri Copyright (c) 2022 Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 Toleransi Beragama Dalam Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Dasar Kelas 1: Analisis Kurikulum KTSP, Kurikulum 2013, dan Kurikulum Merdeka <p>Mengenalkan toleransi beragama sejak kelas 1 sekolah dasar merupakan aspek penting dan perlu diperhatikan. Menurut definisi yang dirumuskan A. Zaki Baidawiy, tasamuh (toleransi) adalah pendirian atau sikap yang termanifestasi pada kesedian untuk menerima berbagai pandangan dan pendirian yang beranekaragam, meskipun tidak sependapat dengannya. Lebih lanjut dijelaskan bahwa toleransi ini erat kaitannya dengan masalah kebebasan atau kemerdekaan hak asasi dalam tata kehidupan bermasyarakat, sehingga mengizinkan berlapang dada terhadap adanya perbedaan pendapat dan keyakinan dari setiap individu<a href="#_ftn1" name="_ftnref1">[1]</a>. Dengan memiliki rasa toleransi, siswa dapat berpegang teguh dalam menghargai dan menghormati kemajemukan di sekitarnya, sehingga tidak terjerumus dalam kefanatikan, rasisme, dan egosentris. Hal tersebut perlu diimplementasikan dalam kurikulum yang menjadi pedoman pembelajaran untuk mencapai salah satu tujuan pendidikan. Studi ini akan menganalisis perkembangan materi toleransi beragama pada buku <em>Basic English</em> kurikulum KTSP, buku <em>Grow With English</em> kurikulum 2013, dan buku <em>My Next Words</em> pada kurikulum merdeka. Berdasarkan analisis yang dilakukan, penulis menggabungkan metode literatur dan kepustakaan. Dari hasil studi ini menyatakan bahwa toleransi beragama sudah diajarkan sejak sekolah dasar yang sesuai dengan perkembangan kurikulum. Pada buku literatur kurikulum KTSP tidak membahas mengenai toleransi beragama, sedangkan pada kurikulum 2013 mulai menyisipkan toleransi beragama menggunakan ilustrasi visual dan diidentifikasi sesuai dengan sukunya. Sementara itu, pada buku literatur kurikulum merdeka memberi gambaran secara lebih spesifik mengenai toleransi beragama. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa perkembangan kurikulum berbanding lurus dengan berkembangnya zaman dan kesadaran sosial di lingkungan pendidikan. Maka melalui studi ini diharapkan pengimplementasian toleransi beragama dapat dimuat di setiap perkembangan kurikulum.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Shedy Amalia Rozzaqi, Ade Septiana, Naura Fairuz Syifa Copyright (c) 2022 Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 DISCOURSE MESSAGE OF MODERATION IN ARABIC BOOK MADARASA TSANAWIYA <p>The study of discourse moderation messages Discourse as a unified language unit which is realized in written form with a complete mandate. The messages conveyed in this study are represented by words and sentences related to values and science. The purpose of this study is to present the message of moderation. The study method in this study used a qualitative method with descriptive analysis with data sources from the Arabic language book Mts (Madarasa Tsanawiyah). The results of this study, namely the values of moderation in the Mts Arabic book are messages to be conveyed to students.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Muhammad Nanang Qosim Copyright (c) 2022 Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 Nilai-Nilai Dasar Moderasi dan Toleransi Beragama dalam Praktik Pengajaran di Pondok Pesantren Roudlotus Sholihin Demak <p>Roudlotus Sholihin Islamic Boarding School is a boarding school located on Jl. Kyai Noer RT. 02 RW. 01 Loireng Sayung Kab. Demak. The uniqueness of this Islamic boarding school is that it teaches the values ​​of tolerance to its students since they are still at the junior high school level (Junior High School). What is unique is that at the Roudlotus Sholihin Islamic Boarding School it is not only in the form of theory without any practice, but at the Roudlotus Sholihin Islamic Boarding School the practice of moderation and tolerance education is also applied in the form of visiting various other places of worship to create intimacy and harmony between religious communities. Even in 2019, the Roudlotus Sholihin Islamic Boarding School sent its tambourine team to be displayed at the Mater Dei Catholic Church in Semarang. In this scientific paper, the author will explain the values ​​of religious moderation which are the basis for the practice of religious moderation in the Roudlotus Sholihin Islamic Boarding School. The author uses Literature Studies to strengthen the narrative in this scientific paper. The results of this study explain that the Prophet Muhammad as the best role model for mankind, especially for Muslims, exemplifies the values ​​of teaching, education, and the practice of moderation and tolerance for his people. This paper describes many examples of moderation and tolerance from the Prophet Muhammad as the basis for the application of education, teaching, and the practice of living in a harmonious and tolerant society in diversity.</p> Muhammad Aslambik Copyright (c) 2022 Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 ISLAM WASATHIYAH DALAM GAGASAN POLITIK ISLAM: MENGUAK PEMIKIRAN ISLAM WASATHIYAH KH ABDURRAHMAN WAHID <p>Indonesia sebagai negara yang majemuk dan memiliki berbagai macam budaya, suku,<br>ras, agama dan lain sebagainya. Menjadikanya negara yang plural dan penting untuk menjaga<br>kesatuan dan persatuan bangsa. Dalam menghadapi kemajemukan konsep Islam wasathiyah<br>menjadi penting untuk di implementasikan dimasa sekarang. Telebih lagi mengenai<br>permasalahan politik khususnya Islam akan lebih kompleks. Melihat tersebut Abdurraman<br>Wahid sebagai cendekiawan muslim memberikan perhatian untuk menciptakan suasana damai<br>ditengah perbedaan. Dengan menggunakan metode kualiatif dan pendekatan library reaserch.<br>Berarti penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pustaka, yang mana sumber data bersumber dari<br>pustaka. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dan historis, hal tersebut berguna<br>untuk memberikan gambaran yang lebih jelas mengenai konsep Islam wasathiyah<br>Abdurrahman Wahid. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa dipaparkan Abdurrahman<br>Wahid merupakan tokoh cendekiawan muslim yang berasal dari lingkungan pesantren. Kedua<br>kakenya merupakan ulama yang cukup terkenal dan Kyai sepuh Nahdlatul Ulama (NU).<br>Sebagai orang yang lahir dari keluarga pesantren ia paham betul mengenai ilmu kegamaan.<br>Salah satunya ia berpendapat bahwa Islam washatiyah merupakan tengah-tengah, tidak<br>bersikap ektrim. Konsep Islam washatiyah ini penting diterapkan di Indonesia yang plural.<br>Gagasan politik Islam Abdurrahaman wahid juga sangat relevan diterapkan di Indonesia. Hal<br>tersebut dimaksudkan untuk membendung gerakan-gerakan politik Islam yang ingin<br>menerapkan sistem khilafah Islamiah. Sistem yang sebetulnya tidak cocok untuk diterapkan di<br>Indonesia. Walaupun Indonesia menjadi negara dengan mayoritas umat muslim. Namun tidak<br>dapat dipungkiri masih ada umat agama lain yang hidup di Indonesia. Sehingga bersikap<br>moderat dan berlaku adil dalam hidup berbangsa dan bernegara menjadi syarat wajib dalam<br>upaya menjaga perdamaian di Indonesia khususnya dan perdamaian dunia pada umumnya.<br><br></p> Raha Bistara, Mega Alif Marintan Copyright (c) 2022 Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 ”PERLAWANAN DARI DALAM KRATON” AJARAN KEPEMIMPINAN ASTHABRATA DALAM SERAT SRUTI JARWA PADA MASA PAKUBUWANA IX 1865 – 1871 <p>This study is a historical study of Javanese literary works which reconstructs the leadership of Pakubuwana IX 1865-1871. Through one of the literary works entitled Serat Sruti Jarwa Pakubuwana IX carried out a passive resistance to colonial existence in the Surakarta Hadiningrat palace. This study uses a historical research method that includes stages amongs search of topic, data source collection, source verification or criticism, interpretation, and the historiography stages. The results of this study indicate that Serat Sruti Jarwa at the time Pakubuwana IX succeeded in strengthening Pakubuwana IX's positioning and guarding it in the authority of Surakarta Hadiningrat palace. In general, one of the teachings which is contained in Serat Sruti Jarwa, namely the teachings of Asthabrata Pakubuwana IX regularly the mind takes a fight against all the influences brought by Dutch government since the end of the Java War in 1830, Pakubuwana IX as the highest authority succeeded in restoring the knight attitude of the royal servants of Surakarta. Besides that, Pakubuwana IX has also succeeded in bringing developments in government, including in the fields of politics, economics, laws, religions, developments, and Javanese literature.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Wahyu Angga Fahrizal, Lathif Kusaeri Copyright (c) 2022 Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 SIMBOL TOLERANSI BERAGAMA PADA MASJID-MASJID KUNO DI JAWA (Studi Kasus di Masjid Gede Mataram dan Masjid Laweyan) <p>Simbol toleransi beragama di Tanah Jawa juga terlihat jelas pada situs-situs sejarah, berupa bangunan heritage, bahkan tempat-tempat ibadah, seperti masjid, pura, gereja dan lain sebagainya. Beberapa ornamen dan arsitektur masjid yang berada di Jawa merupakan akulturasi dari beberapa budaya baik dari dalam maupun dari luar nusantara, bahkan dari beberapa agama yang singgah dan mewarnai kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Simbol-simbol toleransi yang terdapat dalam arsitektur, ornamen bahkan barang atau perlengkapan dalam masjid kuno di Jawa, dalam hal ini Masjid Gede dan Masjid Laweyan menarik untuk menjadi kajian ilmiah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi historiografi yang menyajikan cerita sejarah yang deskriptif serta paparan yang analistis dan menangkap fenomena untuk mengungkap smbol toleransi dan moderasi beragama pada beberapa masjid kuno bersejarah di Jawa.</p> <p>Dari penelitian diatas juga disimpulkan jika toleransi agama bukan hanya pada jejak akulturasi pada interior dan eksterior Masjid Gedhe Mataram dan Masjid Laweyan saja, namun juga attitude atau perilaku pemeluk agama lain, seperti Hindu dan Kejawen membantu dalam proses pembuatan masjid ini.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> M. Fajar Shodiq Copyright (c) 2022 Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 THE JAVANESE SPIRITUALISM IN LANGUAGE SPELL OF WAROK PONOROGO <p><em>Warok </em>is one of the central figures who are considered to have supernatural powers. <em>Warok </em>can not be separated from the world of Javanese spiritualism which is reflected in the use of language spell. This study aims to describe Javanese Spiritualism in the language of the Ponorogo <em>warok </em>spell. This research method is descriptive qualitative using ethnographic methods with <em>ethnoscience analysis </em>or <em>the new ethnography</em>. As a result, there are verbal and nonverbal expressions of <em>warok language in reyog </em>art activism. This spiritualism reflects the <em>warok 's </em>view of life in the form of a macrocosm of maintaining a good relationship with God, a microcosm of maintaining a good relationship with the natural surroundings .</p> Nanang Cendriono, Alip Sugianto Copyright (c) 2022 Tue, 01 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 TOLERANCE AND LOCAL WISDOM BASED ON LANGUAGE “PITUTUR LUHUR” JAVANASE SOCIETY IN THE ECONOMIC FIELD <p>Pitutur Jawa or better known as Javanese advice is a Javanese saying that has a high philosophical value in various fields such as economics. Now the existence of noble pitutur many young people who do not understand the meaning and especially the intent of a wise advice. Based on that, this article examines the noble character of the Javanese people in the economic field. The method in this research using descriptive qualitative thinking strategy is phenomenology. The result is that in the noble pitutur language of the Javanese community, there is a value of tolerance and local wisdom in the noble pitutur of the Javanese community. This value is important to be preserved and applied to society in order to build the welfare of the community's life</p> Alip Sugianto, Sri Hartono Copyright (c) 2022 Tue, 01 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700 Secularism, Islamisation and Humanism: Which Permutation for Religious Tolerance and Harmony? <p>In multiethnic, multireligious, and multicultural Singapore, Singapore's brand of secularism that guarantees freedom of religious belief, practice, and expression, alongside the government's policies of fostering social cohesion, have been key contributors to Singapore's burgeoning religious pluralism, tolerance, mutual understanding, care, and concern. However, a growing and influential episteme that might challenge Singaporean Muslims’ acceptance of Singapore's brand of secularism is the Islamisation of knowledge discourse, which was a response to Islamic revivalism which spread globally since the 1970s. This episteme has even influenced local asatizah, who have misgivings about Singapore's secularism despite living in a secular country. For Singapore and Malaysia, there are two relevant and dominant perspectives on the Islamisation of knowledge - one by Ismail Farugi and the other by Syed Naquib Al-Attas. Faruqi's perspective is positivistic<br />and only addresses the Islamisation of knowledge of subjects in terms of their forms, and not the substantive essence of the subjects. For Al-Attas, what matters is the Islamisation of epistemology and metaphysics of knowledge rooted in the Sufi-inspired Islamisation of the mind, worldview, and perspective. As a result of the possibility of interpreting the works of Al-Attas from a revivalist and Islamist orientation, many Muslims from Singapore and Malaysia who follow the works of Al-Attas, especially his more ideological work “Islam and Secularism”, are antagonistic towards secularism and this is very problematic for a secular context like Singapore. The ideological work "Islam and Secularism", interpreted by actors and Malaysian elites who engage with this work of Al-Attas' through their Islamic revivalist orientation and paradigm, had already resulted in the mobilisation of the Malaysian government and civil society actors to Islamise the public sphere, including the policies, laws, and institutions of the state. However, it is also Al-Attas’ perspective that offers a possible viable interpretation leading to the Islamisation of the mind and not the Islamisation of the external public sphere without superficially Islamising knowledge, if we refer to his metaphysical, ontological, and epistemological works. To foster religious tolerance and harmony while maintaining an Islamised mind in a secularised public environment, the discussions by Al-Attas on metaphysics, ontology and epistemology, barring his more ideological writings like “Islam and Secularism”, can be combined with the Islamic humanistic tradition, historically captured by “Tai Us-Salatin”, a literary work written in Aceh in the early 17th century. This important treatise is a kind of advice for al-Muluk or advice and reflection for Malay rulers, which contains universal humanistic elements like equality before the rule of law and social justice, that when harnessed, will foster religious tolerance and harmony, especially in multireligious countries and cities like Singapore. The combination of the Islamisation of the mind privately, and not an Islamisation of the public sphere, with the tradition and orientation of Islamic humanism, will lead to an increase in religious harmony and tolerance in multireligious societies and enable Muslims to remain rooted in the Islamic humanistic tradition dynamically and creatively in a publicly secular environment.</p> Faris Bin Ridzuan Copyright (c) 2022 Tue, 01 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0700