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One of the determinant factors in the process of Islamization of the archipelago is the intersection between Islamic teachings and local wisdom. The encounter of the two has apparently brought an esoteric way. In this case, the Islamic esoteric teaching namely Sufism has become important. However, there was another esoteric element which also has a main role in the process, namely the mystical insight as to the result of the synthesis of the Islamic esoteric teaching and the indigenous mystical tradition. Using the ethnographic approach, this article aims to provide a preliminary remark on the intersection between Islam and local mystic tradition as represented by “pananyaan” and “ahli hikmah” in Sundanese people, especially in Tasikmalaya, as the reference. He is regarded as the “learned man” a place for someone to ask, especially related to the world of unseen.
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Wawancara dengan tiga pananyaan di Kawau: Wa Enji Samji (75), Ki Ade (66), and A Anwar (43), Kawalu, Tasikmalaya, c. 2014-2015.
Wawancara dengan Nini Itoh, 64 th., Kawalu, Tasikmalaya, September 15th-17th 2015.
Wawancara dengan Aki Idin, 76 th., Kawalu, Tasikmalaya, March 12th 2015.
Wawancara dengan Aki Amir, (1935-2015), Kawalu, Tasikmalaya, March 2014
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