Wealth Obsession and Disillusionment: The Teachings of Islam and the Perceptions of Edward Morgan Forster

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Md. Munibur Rahman


Wealth Obsession, Disillusionment, Impact of Wealth, Teachings of Islam


This article explores the obsession with wealth and the disillusionment it causes through the teachings of Islam and the perceptions of EM Forster. Excessive greed creates an insatiable desire for power and property, leading to unhappiness and conflict. In his essay "My Wood," EM Forster illustrates how property ownership can affect the human mind and the ultimate consequences it entails. Islamic teachings, which also warn of the dangers of wealth obsession, offer a similar perspective. This study shows that many people endlessly chase wealth without understanding their actual needs. If they recognized this limit, they would stop the pursuit. The article concludes that by following Islamic teachings and understanding Forster's insights, individuals can overcome wealth obsession and achieve a peaceful and fulfilling life.


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