Relevance: Journal of Management and Business Publishing  an article in Journal of Business and Management Review is 500.000 (IDR) For Indonesian Author and No charge for foreign author  upon acceptance of the article for publication. Accepted manuscripts WILL NOT BE PUBLISHED until payment has been received. 

This is the name and bank account to transfer the fee:
Bank Code: Bank Mandiri.tbk

Country Id: ID

Bank account Number: 1380015707107

Name: Zakky Fahma Auliya

The usual and regular manuscript process of Editing, Reviewing, Copyediting and Proofreading  Process takes 12 - 24 weeks BUT with the payment of this fee (FAST-TRACK REVIEW), the review, editorial decision, and author notification on this manuscript is guaranteed to take place within 4 weeks. This payment, however, IS NOT A PROMISE  on when the manuscript will be published. It is NOT a FAST PUBLICATION but it is just a FAST-TRACK REVIEW.

FAST-TRACK REVIEW: 850.000.00 (IDR) For Indonesian Author or $ 125 For foreign author (include Article Publishing Charge)