Sosialisasi Manajemen Usaha untuk Pengembangan Ekonomi Keluarga pada Kelompok PKK Kelurahan Joyosuran Kecamatan Pasar Kliwon Surakarta
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The needs of life are increasing nowadays causing people to try even harder to work or run
their businesses. The income earned will later support the survival of the family. In developed
countries, family-based business activities are one solution to solving family economic
problems. Family-based micro business is expected to reduce dependence on job vacancies
needed by a family, reduce poverty and improve family welfare. In addition, the potential for
housewives who play a role in the family economy to support family income needs efforts so
that family needs can be fulfilled. This community service activity is carried out on mothers
who are members of the PKK RT 05 / RW 06 group of Joyosuran Village, Pasar Kliwon
Suarakarta District. The aim is to increase the insight and knowledge of the PKK mothers
regarding various forms of business that can be done, financial management and marketing.
Activities carried out on 15-16 May 2019 at. The results of the activity indicated that the
material presented by the service team was aligned with the needs of these mothers. The
number of participants who met the expected targets showed a positive response from the
PKK mothers to participate in this activity.
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