Ahl, Semantic, FamilyAbstract
Arabic usually use the word al-usrahor al-‘ailahto refer to family. However, the Qur’an also employs some different words to describe family, namely ahl, ‘asyirah, rahtu,alu, qurbaand ruknu. This article aims to examine the word ahl. This is based on the fact that ahlis the most frequent word mentioned theQur’an to refer to the family. Using the semantic analysis proposed by ‘Aisya bint al-Syati’, this article shows that the original meaning of the word ahlis “entitledâ€and “appropriateâ€.Itscontextual meaning, however,might refer to the people of the book (ahl al-Kitab), residents (al-sakin), followers (qawm al-NabÄ«), people who are entitled or reserve the right(al-mustahaq), the core family (usrah), and clans or extended family (‘ailah). This article contributes to the ideal of building a family. By referring to the meaning of ahl,the family should be correctly and appropriately built so as to achieve happiness.
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