Perseteruan Memori Kolektif: Kontestasi Islam dan Politik di Tasikmalaya Pasca-Orde Baru


  • Amin Mudzakkir Pusat Penelitian Sumber Daya Regional (P2SDR) LIPI, Indonesia



Tasikmalaya, Political Islam, New Order, Collective Memory


This paper aims to understand the post-New Order political Islam, by taking the case in Tasikmalaya from its historical and reactualization perspective. Maurice Halbwachs and Pierre Nora called the last thing as a memory, which is considered the antithesis of history. In practice, the boundary between history and memory is indeed blurred or obscured. For the analysis in this paper, these two things are positioned differently. The focus of the article is to understand the extent to which democracy works in local cultural values which may conflict with the views of liberal human rights. The case of Tasikmalaya is interesting to put in the context of “democratic communitarianism” and more broadly can be used to see tolerance in Indonesia through the lens of cooperation between universal human rights principles and religious interpretations that are grounded in communal experience.


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Sumber Wawancara

Wawancara dengan KH Tb. Miftah Fauzi, 18 Mei 2016, di Tasikmalaya. Wawancara dengan Ust. Asep Sofyan, 23 Mei 2016, di Tasikmalaya. Wawancara dengan KH Tb Miftah Fauzi, 18 Mei 2016, di Tasikmalaya. Wawancara dengan Asep Deni Adnan Bumaeri, 16 Mei 2016, di Tasikmalaya.

Wawancara dengan KH Asep Maoshul Affandi, 15 Mei 2016, di Tasikmalaya.

Wawancara dengan Tatang FH, 23 Mei 2016, di Tasikmalaya.

Wawancara dengan KH Aminuddin Busthomi, 17 Mei 2016, di Tasikmalaya. Wawancara dengan KH Tb Miftah Fauzi, 18 Mei 2016, di Tasikmalaya. Wawancara dengan Syarif Hidayat, 21 Mei 2016, di Tasikmalaya. Wawancara dengan KH Didi Hudaya, 11 Mei 2016, di Tasikmalaya.







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