Preparing the educational book based on the contextual approach to improve the student’s motivation in the Sabah Language Program at Dar Al-Taqi’ Tegal Institute for the academic year 2022/2023 AD.

Preparing the educational book based on the contextual approach to improve the student’s motivation in the Sabah Language Program at Dar Al-Taqi’ Tegal Institute for the academic year 2022/2023




Preparing the book, contextual introduction, language morning


This research aims to (1) reveal the process of designing the educational book based on the contextual approach and its procedures, (2) discover the validity of the designed book, (3) discover the effectiveness of the developed book to enhance female students’ learning motivations in the Sabah Language programs at Dar Al-Taqi’ Tegal Institute for the academic year 2022/ 2023 

The research methodology used in this research is developmental research (R&D) based on the ADDIE model and consists of five steps: analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation.

The results of the research are: (1) The researcher completed his research by performing the steps found in Prange’s theory that relate to the ADDIE research and development model, which are analysis, design, development, application, and evaluation. (2) The book produced is effective and usable based on the design expert’s questionnaire reaching a percentage of 94%, and the language expert reaching a percentage of 90%, and the standard indicates that the questionnaire was obtained from 81%-100% with a very good grade. (3) The product was effective in improving the students’ learning motivation based on the students’ questionnaire, reaching a percentage of 96%. As for the negative answer, it reached a percentage of 4%, from which the researcher concluded that the developed educational material was at a “very good” level, because that percentage was what Between 81%-100% of the standard questionnaire result.


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