Author Guideline
Since January 2018, to increase better control quality, Relevance: Journal of Management and Business's author guidelines has been revised as follow;
- Manuscripts length is about 4000-5000 words, typed in one-half spaced on A4-paper size.
- Manuscript must include an 200 - 250 words in abstract and 3 - 5 keywords.
- Manuscript must be arranged as follows: Title, Name of Author, E-mail address, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Literature Review, Method, Result, Discussion, Conclusion, References.
- Manuscript must be submitted in Microsoft Word or RTF.
- Manuscript references are preferably derived from the up-to-date references and min 30 references (International Journal).
- The authors resume should be submitted separately, consisting of at least full name, institutional address, phone number, areas of studies, and recent publications (if any).
- Relevance: Journal of Management and Business use APA Style 6th edition (2010) as reference format writing. We suggest the use of a reference manager software such as Mendeley, Zotero, or Endnote at templating the citation style. APA Style may be click here, or to be used is as follows: