Since January 2018, to increase better control quality, Relevance: Journal of Management and Business's author guidelines has been revised as follow;

  1. Manuscripts length is about 4000-5000 words, typed in one-half spaced on A4-paper size.
  2. Manuscript must include an 200 - 250 words in abstract and 3 - 5 keywords.
  3. Manuscript must be arranged as follows: Title, Name of Author, E-mail address, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Literature Review, Method, Result, Discussion, Conclusion, References.
  4. Manuscript must be submitted in Microsoft Word or RTF.
  5. Manuscript references are preferably derived from the up-to-date references and min 30 references (International Journal).
  6. The authors resume should be submitted separately, consisting of at least full name, institutional address, phone number, areas of studies, and recent publications (if any).
  7. Relevance: Journal of Management and Business use APA Style 6th edition (2010) as reference format writing. We suggest the use of a reference manager software such as Mendeley, Zotero, or Endnote at templating the citation style. APA Style may be click here, or to be used is as follows: