Cyber Crimes And Social Media Addictions: The Role Of Perceived Usage Of Conversational GPT-4 AI Model Among Residents In Nigeria


  • Caleb Onah Benue State Univeristy, Makurdi, Nigeria
  • Chinelo Helen Ogwuche Benue State University, Makurdi, Nigeria
  • Joy Oluwatoyin Oladejo University of Ibadan, Nigeria



artificial intelligence, conversational, cyber crimes, machines, social media addictions


This study investigated cyber crimes and social media addictions: the role of perceived usage of conversational GPT-4 AI model among residents in Makurdi Nigeria. The cross-sectional survey design was used among 200 participants using the latest conversational GPT-4 AI model in their phones using the convenience sampling techniques. Hypothesis one results revealed there is a statistically significant between the usage of the conversational GPT-4 AI model and the incidence of cyber crime [R = .255, R2 = .065, [F (1,189) = 13.223, P< .01]. Hypothesis two showed that the baseline usage of the conversational GPT-4 AI model significantly predicts increase in social media addictions [R = .434, R2 = .188, [F (5,195) = 24.147, P<.01]. Hypothesis three revealed that the usage of conversational GPT-4 AI model is significantly associated with an increase in both cyber crime and social media addictions [R = .474, R2 = .226, [F (2,185) = 5.991; P<.01]. Based on this current study, there is need to develop and deliver educational programs aimed at informing residents and users about the responsible use of AI technologies, including those built on GPT-4 model.


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How to Cite

Onah, C., Ogwuche, C. H., & Oladejo, J. O. (2024). Cyber Crimes And Social Media Addictions: The Role Of Perceived Usage Of Conversational GPT-4 AI Model Among Residents In Nigeria. Academic Journal of Psychology and Counseling, 5(2).

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