Improving Arabic Writing Skills Through Crossword Media Among 7th Grade Middle School Students/ تحسين مهارة الكتابة بوسائل الكلمات المتقاطعة لدى طلاب الصف السابع في المدرسة المتوسطة

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Roikhan Nafis Taqiyuddin
Wakhidati Nurrohmah Putri


Arabic, Crossword Media, Writing Skill


This study aims to improve Arabic writing skills by using crossword puzzle media in grade VII junior high school students.  The type of this research is action research in the classroom. Apply crosswords as media in teaching Arabic in particular by teaching the next book, namely: (a) the planning stage, (b) the stage of implementing workers, (c) observation, and (d) reflection.  Data collection method: (a) observation, (b) testing, (c) documentation Based on the research, it was concluded that teaching Arabic to improve the skill of writing by crossword means in seventh-graders in middle school. Before applying education using crossword means, in the pre-session course excellent students (40%) with an average score of 64.27. After passing the first course students are excellent (60%) with an average score of 70.5. In the second session, there were excellent students (90%). The results of this study recommend that Arabic teachers and practitioners might use crossword as one of the media that can be used in learning Arabic writing skills.


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