Transformation of Arabic Language Learning Process - After COVID-19 Pandemic

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Rodiatul Maghfiroh
Mohammad Shohibul Anwar


Arabic Learning, Transformation, Learning Process, Covid-19


This study aims to explore the process of learning Arabic, especially in the aspect of the use of learning media and its impact on students in learning maharah kitabah both before and after Covid-19 at PPB IAIN Sheikh Nurjati Cirebon, this research method uses qualitative descriptive with a case study approach. Data was collected by observation, interviews, and documentation. The data results were analyzed by qualitative data analysis techniques, using research procedures referenced from Miles and Hubermen, namely data reduction, data presentation, and data display. The findings in the validity of data were tested with triangulation techniques.  The results showed that the media used before the pandemic referred more to textbooks, stationery, and written assignments. Meanwhile, the form of post-pandemic media use refers more to the use of online learning platforms, such as Google Classroom and campus-owned Enggal. While the impact on students is greater accessibility and flexibility, enrichment of learning materials, rapid feedback, student engagement and motivation, and collaboration and sharing. This research makes an important contribution to the understanding of the use of learning media in the context of maharah kitabah learning after COVID-19. The results of this study can be a guide for educators and policymakers in designing effective learning strategies, as well as helping to improve the quality of student writing learning after the pandemic.


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