Implementation of Active Learning in Nahwu Learning Using Al-Miftah Lil 'Ulum Book at Student Islamic Boarding School/ Penerapan Active Learning dalam Pembelajaran Nahwu Menggunakan Buku Al-Miftah Lil ‘Ulum di Pondok Pesantren Mahasiswa


  • Erlien Putri Larasati Erlien Putri Larasati Pondok Pesantren Al-Fattah Kartasura, Indonesia



Al-Miftah Lil 'Ulum Book, Nahwu Learning, Active Learning


Textbooks are important in the learning process, as well as teaching nahwu. One of the textbooks used to teach nahwu to beginners is the Al-Miftah Lil 'Ulum book, which is written for children, but at Al-Fattah Islamic Boarding School it is applied to student students with a beginner background. This study aims to describe the implementation of active learning in nahwu learning using the Al-Miftah Lil 'Ulum book at Al-Fattah Kartasura Student Islamic Boarding School. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative which was carried out at Al-Fattah Kartasura Student Islamic Boarding School. The descriptive qualitative method is a method used to explain objects based on reality in the field. The study results indicate that (1) teaching nahwu with the Al-Miftah Lil 'Ulum book is to make it easier for beginner students to understand basic nahwu rules without taking a long time. (2) Learning nahwu using the Al-Miftah Lil 'Ulum book is applied to students with an active learning approach where students play an active role in learning. (3) The characteristics of the application of the Al-Miftah Lil 'Ulum book to students are being able to think critically by analyzing example sentences given during questions and answers, students find it easier to remember the material by singing the Al-Miftah Lil 'Ulum poem, students are freer to ask questions and convey their understanding to their peers through the peer tutoring method. (4) The results of learning nahwu using the Al-Miftah Lil 'Ulum book are that students can understand the basic rules of nahwu in a relatively short time, namely two months.


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How to Cite

Erlien Putri Larasati, E. P. L. (2024). Implementation of Active Learning in Nahwu Learning Using Al-Miftah Lil ’Ulum Book at Student Islamic Boarding School/ Penerapan Active Learning dalam Pembelajaran Nahwu Menggunakan Buku Al-Miftah Lil ‘Ulum di Pondok Pesantren Mahasiswa. ATHLA : Journal of Arabic Teaching, Linguistic and Literature, 5(1), 48–64.




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