Enhancing Arabic Reading Skills through the Make-a-Match Cooperative Learning Model: An Experimental Study


  • Widya Putri Azhari UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta, Indonesia




Arabic reading skills, Make-a-Match learning model, cooperative learning


Arabic plays a crucial role in Indonesia, particularly in religious and educational contexts. Despite its importance, teaching Arabic reading skills faces challenges such as limited use of effective learning models. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the Make-a-Match cooperative learning model in improving Arabic reading skills. The study aims to determine whether the Make-a-Match cooperative learning model significantly enhances Arabic reading skills compared to conventional methods. A quantitative experimental design with a quasi-experimental nonequivalent control group design was used. The study involved 32 seventh-grade students from SMPI-PK Muhammadiyah Delanggu in the 2023/2024 academic year, divided into an experimental group (15 students) and a control group (17 students). Data were collected using a reading skills test before and after the intervention. The validity and reliability of the instrument were ensured through expert evaluation and Cronbach's alpha. The study found that the experimental group showed a significant improvement in reading skills compared to the control group. The average post-test score in the experimental group was higher than in the control group. The t-test results indicated a statistically significant difference, supporting the hypothesis that the Make-a-Match model is effective in enhancing Arabic reading skills. Additionally, the model improved students' social skills and engagement. The Make-a-Match cooperative learning model effectively improves Arabic reading skills and can be a valuable tool for educators in Indonesia. The study suggests integrating this model into the curriculum and providing training for teachers. Future research should explore its application in other subjects and contexts.


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How to Cite

Widya Putri Azhari. (2024). Enhancing Arabic Reading Skills through the Make-a-Match Cooperative Learning Model: An Experimental Study. ATHLA : Journal of Arabic Teaching, Linguistic and Literature, 5(1), 83–100. https://doi.org/10.22515/athla.v5i1.9545




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