
  • Vidya Nindhita Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia




Discrimination is one of the issues that can never be separated from discussions about a woman's career in her work environment. Obtained from the Badan Pusat Statistik, the data shows that there is a decrease in the proportion of female workers in managerial positions, especially in DKI Jakarta Province. A total of 35.96% of the proportion of female workers in managerial positions was recorded in 2019, falling to 34.19% in 2020, and 33.15% in 2021. The formulation of the problem raised by the researcher is what obstacles and supporting factors exist in the career management of a female leader? How do women leaders manage their careers? The results prove that career management of a female leader experiences several obstacles in its achievement, stereotypes, distrust from colleagues, work-family conflict, lack of support, etc. In addition to these obstacles, women leaders have several supporting factors in managing their careers, support from spouses, involvement in decision making, mentoring from superiors/direct reports, organizational culture, etc. The management of career problems in women leaders can be overcome by having a career path based on performance, good team composition, family commitment, utilising emotional instability as a form of sensitivity, and focusing on work motivation.

Keywords: Woman, Leader, Career


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