Author Guidelines

Author guidelines of Shahih apply as follows:

1. The article must be scientific, either based on the empirical research or conceptual ideas. The content of the article have not published yet in any Journal, and should not be submitted simultaneously to another Journal. Article should not be part of fully one chapter of the theses or dissertation.

2. Article must be in the range between 10-20 pages, including title, abstract, keywords, and bibliography

3. Article consisting of the various parts: i.e. title, the author s name(s) and affiliation(s), abstract (100-150 words), Keywords (maximum 5 words), introduction, description and analysis, conclusion, and bibliography.

  • Title should be less than 12 words
  • Author s name(s) should be written in the full name without academic title (degree), and completed with institutional affiliation(s) as well as corresponding address (e-mail address).
  • Abstract consisting of the discourses of the discipline area; the aims of article; methodology (if any); research finding; and contribution to the discipline of areas study. Abstract should be written in English.
  • Introduction consisting of the literature review (would be better if the research finding is not latest than ten years) and novelty of the article; scope and limitation of the problem discussed; and the main argumentation of the article.
  • Discussion or description and analysis consisting of reasoning process of the article s main argumentation.
  • Conclusion should be consisting of answering research problem, based on the theoretical significance/conceptual construction
  • All of the bibliography used should be written properly as well as recommended tools.
  • Bibliography at least 10 libraries in writing, with details of the 80% issue last 5 years and from the primary reference.

4.Citation style used is the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition, and should be written in the model of body note (author(s), year: and page(s)).