Representasi Agama di Media Massa dan Kegagalan Sekulerisme


  • Zaenal Muttaqin (Google Scholar; h-index: 1; i10- index: -); IAIN Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia
  • Ari Hikmawati UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta, Indonesia
  • Elvi Na'imah UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta, Indonesia
  • Agus Wedi UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta, Indonesia



Sekulerisme, agama, media massa, ruang publik, Solopos, Surakarta


This paper examines the religious issues represented in secular media. Secularism has been regarded unavoidable since the development of science and technology and in line with positivistic idea. However, since the second half of the 20th century, sociologists of religion have argued that secularism is no longer relevant due tu the insurgence of religions and religious institutions around the world. In particular, this paper discusses how Solopos –a newspaper in Surakarta- publish articles related to the topic of religions. The research finds that even though the media is a secular media, it still publishes articles on religious issues. There is no specific policy regarding this publication, but it represents the contexts of the society that still regard religions as an important part of their life. This paper concludes that secularism has failed both in the public space such as media and in the mindset of Surakarta people.


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How to Cite

Muttaqin, Z., Hikmawati, A., Na’imah, E., & Wedi, A. (2024). Representasi Agama di Media Massa dan Kegagalan Sekulerisme. Academic Journal of Da’wa and Communication, 4(2).




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