Representation of Subaltern Women in Al-Karnak's Novel by Najib Mahfuz


  • Amiroh Nichayatun Munir Azizah UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia



The post-colonial theory initiated by Gayatri C Spivak states that among the majority groups who become victims of the subaltern are women. Relevant to this problem, the purpose of this study is to examine the oppression and silencing of subaltern women and the attempts to resist represented by Najib Mahfuz in the novel al-Karnak. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method. The primary source used by the researcher is the novel al-Karnak by Najib Mahfuz. The results of this study show that subaltern women in al-Karnak's novel cannot speak, meaning that even though Zainab's character can voice her oppression and put up resistance, there is no ear to listen because Zainab is silenced by the authorities. Two points prove that Zainab is unable to speak. First, Zainab is silenced by rules that are gender biased and inherent in society, such as limitations on women expressing opinions, women being prohibited from having higher education, sexual harassment, and stereotypes that demean women and women being the backbone of the family. Second, women's efforts to express the suffering they feel are wearing the hijab, working, and becoming a prostitute.






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