The Double Movement Method from The Perspective of Fazlur Rahman

A Study of Misogynistic Hadiths and Their Implications


  • Mamluatur Rahmah UIN Walisongo Semarang, Indonesia
  • Abdus Salam UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta, Indonesia



This paper aims to provide a new perspective on misogynistic hadith using the double movement method of Fazlur Rahman's perspective. Fazlur Rahman is a Muslim intellectual. His background has a deep influence on his interpretation. Rahman reads hadith texts with historical, social, and anthropological approaches. These three things become Fazlur Rahman's hermeneutical method. Methodologically, Rahman explains the reading of the hadith text from two points of view (movements) or what is called the back and forth movement. The first movement looks at the situation in which the hadith was revealed. The second movement looks at the asbabul wurud aspect or the socio-historical conditions of the society at the time of the hadith's revelation, so as not to cause bias in interpreting the hadith. The results show that the hadith should be interpreted as the Prophet's testimony about the case of a raped woman, not as a basis for discrimination against women's rights. In conclusion, the application of hermeneutics and reconstruction through double movement can change the meaning of misogynistic hadith.

Keywords: misogynistic hadith, hermeneutics, reconstruction, gender






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