Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statements

Complaints and Appeals

CrossOver: Journal of Adaptation Studies adheres to Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines on appeals to journal editor decisions and complaints about a journal's editorial management of the peer review process.

Procedures to appeal a journal editor’s decision:

  1. Submit an appeal letter to the journal’s editorial office:
  2. The appeal letter should contain:
  3. Details on the disagreement of the decision
  4. Direct, clear, and unambiguous responses to the comments of the editors and/or reviewers that played a significant role in the rejection decision
  5. New information or data that the author(s) would like the journal to consider
  6. Evidences that the author(s) have made technical errors in their assessment of the rejected manuscript
  7. Evidences that a reviewer may have a conflict of interest

This elaboration is based on COPE's principle of Complaints and appeals

Conflicts of Interest/Competing Interests

A competing interest or a conflict of interest occurs when professional judgment concerning a primary interest (such as patients' welfare or the validity of research) may be influenced and impacted by a secondary interest (such as financial gain or personal rivalry). It may arise for the authors of an article in CrossOver: Journal of Adaptation Studies when they have a financial interest that may influence, probably without their knowing, their interpretation of their results or those of others. CrossOver: Journal of Adaptation Studies believes that to make the best decision on how to deal with an article, we should know about any competing interests that authors may have and that if we publish the article, readers should know about them too.

Policies on Data Sharing and Reproducibility

CrossOver: Journal of Adaptation Studies Editors strongly encourage authors to include additional material data sets and codes that demonstrate the results shown in their final article. CrossOver: Journal of Adaptation Studies journal editors may set their policies based on this broad principle, and authors may request a waiver for reasons of confidentiality or security.

CrossOver: Journal of Adaptation Studies is also introducing a basic data-sharing policy across all its journal titles. This policy will encourage authors to share and make the data underlying their published article publicly available when it does not violate the protection of human subjects or other valid subject privacy concerns.

Authors will be further encouraged to cite any data referenced in their paper. Whether this has been created by the author or someone else, cited data sets should be included in the reference list. Finally, authors will be encouraged to include a data availability statement. Data-sharing policies will be set at the journal level in consultation with editors, relevant societies, or other stakeholders.

Ethical Conduct Standards

CrossOver: Journal of Adaptation Studies is fully committed to upholding the highest level of ethical standards in research publication. The journal attaches particular importance to ethical values such as honesty, excellence in research practice, transparency, open communication, and respect. It adheres to the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). The authors concur to follow its ethical guidelines by submitting a manuscript to the journal.

Authorship: Anyone who has made a substantial contribution to the conception or design of the work, or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of the data; drafts the work or revises it critically; approves the final version of the work; agrees to be accountable for all aspects of the work should be listed as an author of the manuscript. Anyone who contributed to the work but failed to meet the authorship criteria should be acknowledged. The corresponding author is the person who handles the correspondence during the publication process and has the authority to act on behalf of all co-authors in all matters related to the publication of the article. The corresponding author continues to serve as the main point of contact for any inquiries after the article is published.

Conflict of Interest: To ensure that the articles published in the journal are free from inappropriate external influence, authors must declare any potential conflict of interests that may affect the objectivity or integrity of the article. These conflicts may be financial, non-financial, professional, or personal in nature.

Funding: Authors must provide details of the source of funding received during the manuscript preparation as required by the funding and grant-awarding bodies.

Studies Involving Human or Animal Subjects: Studies involving human or animal subjects must abide by institutional and national policies for ethical conduct and include proper documentation such as ethical committee approvals, informed consent, and other legal permissions.

Ethical Oversight: Research works that include potentially hazardous chemicals or procedures must clearly state the details. If necessary, the submission must be accompanied by the appropriate ethical documentation.

Data Sharing and Availability: The journal expects the authors to be open and transparent about the data, code, or other materials related to the published content. To ensure that the findings of the study are reproducible and reliable, authors are encouraged to deposit data in a suitable repository and describe where the data may be found.

Advertising: The journal allows limited and targeted advertising on its website to exclusively promote selected research content published by the journal publisher.

Complaints and Appeals: Anyone who may be concerned that publication ethics guidelines or principles are not followed should raise their complaints and appeals with details and documents about the case. Complaints and appeals should be directed to All complaints and appeals will be handled rigorously according to the best practices of COPE.

Corrections and Retractions: The journal will publish a corrigendum or an erratum if an error is found during post-publication. Retractions are issued if the errors are significant and results and conclusions are no longer reliable. Suppose serious ethical malpractices such as plagiarism and duplication are discovered in a published article. In that case, the journal reserves the right to retract the article and take up the matter with relevant academic bodies or institutions.


Intellectual Property, Copyright, and Licensing Policy

Intellectual Property and Copyright

Authors certify that their submitted manuscript (and any supporting items) are their own intellectual property, and the copyright has not been transferred to others.

Authors certify that the manuscript contains no plagiarism, fabrication, falsification, or manipulated citations and that the manuscript conforms to CrossOver: Journal of Adaptation Studies authorship policies.

Authors certify that for any copyrighted tables, figures, data, text, etc., permission has been obtained from the copyright holders to reproduce.

All manuscripts, revisions, drafts, and galleys remain the intellectual property of the author(s). Except as stated in the agreed license, the author(s) retain the copyright to their work.

Authors retain the full right to modify, reshare, repost, or archive any version of their copyrighted work.

All review comments and reports remain the intellectual property of the reviewer or Editor. Except as stated in the agreed license, the author(s) retain the copyright to their work.

Authors, reviewers, and editors agree to keep all communications, comments, or reports from reviewers or editors confidential.

Reviewers and editors agree to keep all manuscripts, revisions, and drafts confidential, except the final published galley(s).


Authors agree that all accepted manuscripts, galleys, and submitted supporting documents are immediately and irrevocably released under a Creative Commons (CC BY-SA) license.

The license will be indicated on the front page of each online article galley. The license will also be indicated within each issue of the print edition.