About the Journal
Filantropi: Jurnal Manajemen Zakat dan Wakaf Is a peer-reviewed periodical journal published twice or twice a year in April and October by Management Zakat and Wakaf Department Sharia Faculty of UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta. This Journal is a communication tool intended for researchers, academics and practitioners in the field of Islamic Philanthropy, Financial Management of Zakat, Sedekah and Wakaf Law.
Filantropi: Jurnal Manajemen Zakat dan Wakaf publishes qualified articles both conceptual and research results in islamic philanthropic studies (Zakat, Waqf, Infaq and Shodaqah).
The scope of the Journal includes the following fields:
a. Islamic Philanthropy
b. Zakat, Sedekah and Wakaf Law
c. Financial Management of Zakat, Sedekah and Wakaf
d. Management Zakat, Sedekah and Wakaf
e. Zakat, Sedekah, and Wakaf Management Organization
f. Historical Management of Zakat, Sedekah and Wakaf
g. Socialpreneur
h. Inclusive financial of zakat, Sedekah and Wakaf development
i. Policy analysis islamic economic
j. Regulation and legislation of Islamic philanthropy
k. Sharia supervisory boards in Islamic Finance
l. Product development Islamic institution
m. Islamic Social Finance and other related topics