About the Journal

Mahakarya: Student's Journal of Cultural Sciences is an academic periodical focusing on publishing the research results under the scope of cultural sciences, such as language, literature, and history studies along with their teachings. This journal was created as the medium for students of higher education all over the world to disseminate their research reports, final projects, theses, dissertations and other academic writings in the forms of articles that can openly be accessed by public.

Mahakarya: Student's Journal of Cultural Sciences is published bianually with two issues a year between January-June and July-December. The language used for the article is preferably English since this journal is targeting global audience. However, articles in Bahasa Indonesia are limitedly acceptable with the purpose for promoting this local language for international communication. Any students of undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate programs are welcomed to participate in developing cultural sciences by publishing their scientific articles in this journal.



Current Issue

Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024)
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