Al-A'raf : Jurnal Pemikiran Islam dan Filsafat
Full Lenght Article
Islam can be called as a teacher of civilation which is taught
about tauhid. Tauhid brought the intention of our founding
fathers/mothers to proclaime the Indonesia‟s indepence. The founding
fathers/mothers have seriously aware about the importance of putting
tauhid as spirit of Pancasila. Hereby, the duty of the next generation is
to refresh the tauhid‟s understanding and experiences as spirit of state‟s
identity. By utilizing the spirit of tauhid as life and thinking paradigm
is expected would be able to make Indonesia be better off from serious
threat caused by imperalism, otoritarian rejim, materialism and
hedonism life style which is contractied to the western culture.
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dalam pengembangan ilmu dan pembelajaran, Universitas
Pendidikan Indonesia: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Taklim.
Volume 9 No.2 September 2011
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