Al-A'raf : Jurnal Pemikiran Islam dan Filsafat
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Koran (Al-Quran) is not the book of history. The fact is it
tells the reader about chronological events in a story or set of histories.
The article describes the views from Koran about the history and
explains about the historical problems in Koran‟s views. The moral
factor has the special portions in Koran. This factor can perpetuate the
nation of being destroyed. It is accepted by the Moslem scholars
(ulama‟) that the moral factor gives the direct implication in practical
daily lives, as the parameter of personality, and as the behavior of a
human in a nation or a community. The histories revealed by Koran
are the „living history‟ and the events that involve the readers to have
conversations and participate in dialogues.
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