Al-A'raf : Jurnal Pemikiran Islam dan Filsafat
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FILSAFAT MORAL IMMANUEL KANT: Suatu Tinjauan Paradigmatik
The ethics taught in Pre-Kant era was eudemonistic. The
nature of moral proposed by Kant was the awareness of the obligation,
absolute obligation. But there was no relationship between obligation
and happiness. Actually Kant did not reject the acts which came from
positive feelings, but rejected the acts appeared from the feelings. Kant
emphasized that the real moral awareness independently appear when
there is no natural tendensi or social habit. If a person show his/ her
honesty from the deepest of his/ her heart, then he/she has the moral
value. There is a possibility that being honest came from the social
oppression. Kant, also claimed that people obey and follow an
obligation in which they do not have beliefs. Those are the reasons of
Kant as quoted on the statement “das moralische Gesetz in mir“
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