Al-A'raf : Jurnal Pemikiran Islam dan Filsafat
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The Family in the Qur'an is the main pillar of a society.
Family occupies a strategic position in the formation of man. Included
in the hopes of building a family of anti-corruption. Planting the anticorruption
needs to be done early. Particularly through the practice of
religion is not limited to mere ritual activity. But also to transform the
values of rituals in daily life character. Among Qurani values, which
can be used to build the character of a family of anti-corruption is the
intention of working as a worship, cultivate a sense of shame in the
family, cultivate honesty in the family, even the simplest life as high
officials, educate the family to work hard. And the most important way
in instilling the values Qur`an is the real example of parents for their
children. So that when they grow up to be a part of the community
who are able to protect themselves from a variety of crimes including
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