Gender Roles in Moderating Financial Literacy and Lifestyle in Financial Behavior


  • Zulfanita Dien Rizqiana Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Raden Mas Said Surakarta, Indonesia
  • Rahmawati Khoiriyah



Economic development aims not only for society's welfare but also to form broad-minded people with a mindset about financial management. Management can start with understanding literacy and carrying a daily lifestyle. Financial behavior can be reflected in various aspects, including spending styles, investment approaches, saving tendencies, and financial risks. Some social and cultural factors related to gender can also affect how a person manages finances. This study aims to determine whether gender can strengthen or weaken the relationship between financial literacy and lifestyle to financial behavior. The data used in this study is primary data based on the results of questionnaires collected from 150 respondents. The data analysis process in this study uses SEM-PLS analysis techniques with the help of SmartPLS software by making structural, measurement, and path models to test hypotheses so that conclusions can be drawn. Based on the results of hypothesis testing, it is known that the latent variable of financial literacy significantly affects financial behavior. Meanwhile, latent lifestyle variables do not affect financial behavior. The gender moderation variable did not significantly affect the relationship between the latent financial literacy variable and the latent lifestyle variable on the latent financial behavior variable.

Keyword: Gender, Financial Literacy, Lifestyle, and Financial Behavior






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