
  • Adinda Iskandar Universitas Khairun
  • Abdul Hadi Sirat Study Program of Lecturer Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Unkhair Ternate
  • Muhsin N. Bailusy Study Program of Lecturer Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Unkhair



Financial Literacy, Financial Technology, Financial Inclusion, SMEs


This research aims to analyze the role of financial literacy and financial technology on the financial inclusion of SMEs in Ternate. By applying a purposive sampling method, the number of samples used in this research were 50 SMEs engaged in the food industry. This research was carried out by using data analysis assisted by SPSS 25 software. The results of the research show that: (1) financial literacy has a significant effect on the financial inclusion of SMEs in Ternate City, meaning that the better the financial literacy implemented, the more financial inclusion behavior it will get better in certain businesses; (2) financial technology has a significant effect on the financial inclusion of SMEs in Ternate City. Financial literacy aids individuals in developing skills for managing personal finances. A thorough comprehension of budget creation, expense control, and savings can enhance a person's financial wellness. Financial literacy reduces financial uncertainty by providing knowledge about risks and ways to manage them. Additionally, fintech, or financial technology, contributes significantly to increasing financial inclusion.


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