Construction of organizational culture for ideal performance of Islamic-based junior high schools in Indonesia




Islamic-based schools, organizational culture, Pesantren performance, SMP-PB program


The deficiency of Islamic-based schools (called as Pesantren in Indonesia) in science requires adjustment. In this sector, Indonesian government is present through the implementation of the Islamic-based boarding Junior High Schools (henceforth SMP-BP) program, which was established by the Ministry of Education and Culture to equip students with intellectual, moral, and spiritual balances. However, there is still a need for constructing a framework of organizational culture to enhance the efficacy of the program. Hence, the present study delves into a framework of organizational culture for ideal performance of and the efficacy of education process in Pesantren. This study was based in two SMP-BPs in Aceh, a province of Indonesia (e.g. Al Mujaddid and Darul Amin), and was conducted by following the procedure of descriptive research under qualitative design. The required data were gathered using interviews from a total of 12 informants consisting of school principal, coordinator of the program, and teachers. The data were further analyzed by following Miles and Huberman’s stages of qualitative data analysis comprising coding, presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results revealed that the construction of organizational culture for an ideal performance of Pesantren in Indonesia encompassed four key dimensions, i.e. (1) establishing organizational behavior standards, (2) increasing the stability of organization’s social system, (3) revitalizing school management, and (4) developing human resources. This study contributes to equipping Pesantren stakeholders with awareness and willingness to improve the efficacy of Islamic-based school performance in Indonesia. Future research is directed to efforts of fostering dynamic organization culture and school management both cultural and philosophical education.

Author Biographies

Muhammad Anggung Manumanoso Prasetyo, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, IAIN Lhokseumawe Aceh, Indonesia

Dr. Muhammad Anggung Manumanoso Prasetyo, M.Pd.I, is a lecturer at Islamic education Management Department of IAIN Lhokseumawe Indonesia. He has been the consultant of Islamic boarding school (dayah) development in southeast Aceh regency, an organization which concerns on Islamic boarding school. He often attends conferences, workshop, and seminars. Many of his researches are published in international journals. Anggung was born in Bekasi, August 13, 1986. Scientific publication link Orchid link:; Google Scholar link:


Nurul Fadhillah, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, IAIN Lhokseumawe Aceh, Indonesia

Dr. Nurul Fadhillah, S.Pd., M.Hum. is an English lecturer at Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of IAIN Lhokseumawe Indonesia. She has published several articles in the reputation national and Scopus indexed journals and become invited speakers for both the national and international conferences. Her research interests include English teaching, linguistics, literature and translation. Scientific publication link Orchid link:; Sinta link:; Google Scholar Link:; Scopus link:


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How to Cite

Prasetyo, M. A. M., & Fadhillah, N. (2022). Construction of organizational culture for ideal performance of Islamic-based junior high schools in Indonesia. Journal of Educational Management and Instruction (JEMIN), 2(2), 90–100.